Chapter 5

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I'm working at the smoothie shop alone as Lola is having a day off. Boss is helping a little but it's mainly just me. I haven't had a moments piece today; it's the following day and this morning Core came to the dorms, and Charles and he just talked while I showed Harmony how to do a fry up. Then I had two hours of lectures then studying before ending up here.

I wipe down the counter as the bell above the door rings, I look up and a group of guys all walk in. I plaster a smile on my face and ready myself. They are talking and are hyper and I know if I get one order wrong it'll end up with me having to change my top.

I breath slowly as they take their sweet time to get to the counter. The leader of their group leans on the counter I've just wiped down. A quick glace to the time to see I can close up in fifteen, I face the group of guys weary but with a fake smile.

"Hey there, can we get two banana smoothies, two berry smoothie and I don't know what our friend want but he'll be here in a minute," he says smirking at me. I turn to start on the smoothies, and I know that the guy is staring at my ass. Most of them do. I finish the two banana smoothies, as the bell goes again.

I look up to see Corey there with an apologetic smile my way. I do his usual without him saying. I place all five on the counter with a small smile. The leader looks confused and miffed, "How do you know what he'd want?"

Corey holds in a chuckle before grabbing his smoothie. He winks at me, and I roll my eyes with a small smile. He did this, this morning. The guy slams his hand on the counter obviously annoyed at me. I look at him confused.

"Is there an issue?" I ask in a sickly-sweet tone. Anyone who knows me knows that it's a warning, hence why Corey's eye widen slightly and shakes his head at me.

"Yeah, you didn't answer my question?" he demands. I resist the urge to roll my eyes at this guy and take a deep breath.

Corey come between us, "just leave it." Corey stands in a protective way in front of the counter.

Boss comes out and decides to step between the two guys, "I'm sure if you want to brawl you can take it outside."

I come out from behind the counter, and the guy looks like he's about to step closer to me, but boss intervenes. I turn to my boss, "It's fine Clark, I can handle it. I promise I won't hit the customers."

Clark nods and heads back. I turn to Corey whose about to laugh, I shoot him daggers. Then he just starts laughs uncontrollably. His friends are really confused.

Corey sobers up a little then turns to me, "oh common shortcake it's funny." I hear a lot of mumbles of the nickname.

"Funny? Do you know what would have happened if he didn't intervene? It'd be like the last party we went to," I tell him rolling my eyes again, "Then I'd be out of a job."

Corey starts laughing again. The guy who doesn't seem to like me looks annoyed again, "You know this bitch." Corey immediately stops laughing and looks a little murderous.

"Core, don't even dare," I warn him, "You hit him then I'll punch you in the gut again."

Corey looks at me pleadingly, "Shortcake, he just called you a bitch and you didn't go completely she-hulk, which leaves it to me."

I walk over to Corey and drag him with me as I go behind the counter. I turn to his friend who called me a bitch, "look I know you're annoyed because your confused, just don't take it out on me. Corey may be your friend but let me tell you now. I've known him long before we started dating and believe me when I say he will put you on your ass if you do it again. Hell, I would have done it by now if I weren't working."

His friends' jaws drop. One of the guys recovers quickly, "You're Clara."

I look at Corey shocked, who is slightly blushing. The rest of his friends seem to register that I'm actually his girlfriend. Well to them anyway. It makes me wonder how many times I've been brought up in conversation.

"Sorry," the main guy says, "anyway I'm Jonah." He is quite tall, so I guess that helps his confidence complex he's got going on.

"Marco," says the one who figured out who I am. He's tanned skin tone with black hair and dark hazel eyes. You can tell that they all work out. Probably together.

The other two are very similar but not like twins similar like same family similar. That and they haven't spoken once since entering. One has blonde hair and one black hair. They also have different eye colours.

"Hi, I'm Paul and this is my cousin Chris," Paul says, he's the blonde one.

Corey claps his hands together, "Do you need a ride to the dorms?" he asks me. I look at the time and realise it's seven.

"If you don't mind, just let me get changed," I say going into the back hearing them talking.

I quickly get changed into the jeans and hoodie like top I wore today. I hear a knock on the door and Clark comes in, "So that's Corey. You should have told me you started dating again."

I shush him, "Clark, his friends don't know, nobody does."

Clark nods and lets me go. I sigh and pull my brunette hair out of its messy bun. I can't be bothered to tie it back up, so I just let it fall down my back. Corey and his friends are in a circle, so I go behind and jump on Corey's back. I know he heard me and immediately caught me with a laugh.

"Wow..." Jonah says, "you guys are actually dating. For a minute I thought you were lying." Sucker.

"Yeah, we thought he made you up at one point," Paul chides. I start laughing. The others add their two cents at Corey's expense, and I honestly loved every second.

I lean close and whisper in his ear, "How often did you talk about me?" He stiffens slightly before clearing his throat.

"Alright that's enough guys," Corey finally says, stopping them from embarrassing him more.

"Oh, common Corey," Chris whines, "it's only a bit of fun."

"Why do you have to be such a kill joy?" I ask him. I know if I wasn't on his back, he'd give me a playful glare.

"See even your girlfriend agrees," Paul adds.

Corey sighs, "you guys can keep talking. I'm going to take Clara back to the dorms."

I roll my eyes as he walks out with me still on his back. I get placed in the passenger seat and buckled. I roll my eyes at his antics. He hops in and pulls out.

"You never did answer my question," I tell him. He stiffens if remembering what I asked him.

He clears his throat suddenly nervous, "just a little."

I let out a small chuckle, "a little huh. Is that a little every time you see them or a little since we last spoke."

He shakes his head at me. I giggle. Wait, giggle? I don't think I've ever giggled in anyone's presence but his. I thought that I had gotten over that. Oh well, what else is going to happen?

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