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"What are we going to do this summer, Mia?" Blaire asked from her lazy position on my bed, staring up at the white ceiling with a bored expression. "Neither of us are going on vacation this year and it's our last summer before going out into the real world."

I sighed and refreshed my Facebook page for the tenth time in two minutes. Here I am, socially awkward Mia Welling, sitting in my room with my only friend on a hot summer day in the hopes of someone interesting logging onto the world wide social network and give me something to look at. "Watch the Titanic five times every day before passing out next to our ice cream," I mumbled, bored out of my mind.

My bottle blond friend snorted, causing me to look over at her. "We've been doing that for the last three days and we're already bored. I'm pretty sure there aren't any more names we could call Rose the Lying Hoe that we haven't called her already." I nodded my head in agreement and turned back to the laptop that was placed on my desk in the far corner of my room. There was no one, and I mean no one, online. Am I the only loser who gets on Facebook during the summer?

With a sigh, I logged off and shut the laptop, coming to terms that the only people who would be online would be Robert the perverted nerd or Nasty Nelly, another school known loner. It was about ten minutes and fifty spins in my office chair later when Blaire shot up, looking as excited as a kid on Christmas morning. I stopped spinning and nearly fell out of the chair with dizziness.

"I got an idea!" Blaire shouted. I widened my eyes, trying to make the room stop spinning, but it wasn't doing anything except make me look like a Pop Eyed Goldfish.

"What's your 'idea'?" I groaned. Blaire's ideas nearly always got me in some kind of trouble - one way or the other. Instead of answering my question, she ran over to my closet and pulled out a notebook then threw it at me. "What the hell?!" I cried out when one of the spirals poked me in the cheek.

Blaire jumped back on my bed and was staring at me with her excited blue eyes. "Write down ten things you've always wanted to do."


"Just do it!"

"Okay then..." I mumbled and flipped the notebook open to a clean page then numbered to ten. I sighed and began to think. And think. And think. With a groan, I said: "I don't know what to write!"

My best friend rolled her eyes at me. "It's not that hard! Just write down ten things you want to do before going off to college." I sighed and continued to think, until the ideas just suddenly began to come to me.

1.) Get belly button piercing

2.) Graffiti on one of the town buildings

3.) Go streaking during the day

4.) End up in jail for a night

I couldn't think of anymore to add so I sat there, staring at the list, my mind reeling for things I've always wanted to do, but never had the guts. It wasn't until Blaire asked me how many I had written down when I snapped out of my daze. "Only four," I said, "but I don't know what else to put down."

"Well," Blaire dragged out, tapping her chin with a slim finger. "Haven't you always wanted to get a small tattoo?" I nodded my head and put that as number five. "And put down for number six "Make out with random guy at mall"," she giggled. I rolled my eyes at her suggestion, but wrote it down in my half cursive, half print handwriting. "And we can just fill out the next four later."

I nodded my head. "Okay, but... What was that all for?"

She replied by giving me an 'are you stupid?' expression. "Seriously, Mia? Duh - you are going to do every single thing on that list before the summer ends. And you can't change anything - you'll be considered a wimp in mine and everyone else's eyes."

And this, my friends, is how my rebellious summer came to be.


Author's Note:

Thanks for reading!! I'd really appreciate some feedback - good or bad! :) Please vote or comment, tell me if there were any mistakes I missed or any grammatical errors or something... I don't know, tell me I'm amazing and just down right awesome ;) Just kidding, but some comments would be nice ^.^

~ Sabrina

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