Game. Set. Match.

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After breakfast Clarke returns to her room to pack lightly, knowing the hours through the tunnels and woods would be long and tedious. Especially for Bellamy and Echo since they haven't walked nearly as much in the last six years. She packs canteens of water, a radio, a few light medical supplies, and rations. When she returns Madi is sitting on Bellamy's lap, a sketch book on the table in front of them as she rambles mindlessly about something. The closer Clarke gets the more she hears.

"I also know 3 times 8! It's 24! And even bigger numbers like 12 times 12!" Bellamy chuckles at Madi's enthusiasm as she starts counting of times tables from her head. She was always good at math, even if she didn't like the subject and protested so much in the beginning of her schooling.

"Wow! That's amazing, Madi! You're really smart." The child grins so brightly Clarke is sure her cheeks must hurt after a while, but Madi doesn't seem to care. Bellamy was here, praising her for all her hard work, just like Clarke said he would.

"She hasn't approached the subject of reading yet has she?" The two look up and beam as Clarke stands beside them. "Because she will talk your ear off about The Iliad and The Odyssey."

"Wait you read those stories to her already?" Even though his curious gaze Clarke could see the excitement in his eye. Bellamy was a huge mythology nerd, and so was Madi as it turned out.

Clarke shrugs before stating, "It's not like we have many options, Bellamy."

He laughs then as Madi giggles, then suddenly the child frowns. "Mommy... What's that?" She point to the pack on her mother's shoulder, her little head tilted to the said causing her brown locks to frame her face.

If not for the circumstances Clarke would smile, but not right now. Not after having to break the news to her child. The wan steps closer, her hand outstretched and placed on the little ones shoulder, with a quiet sigh escaping her lips.

"You're not going to be happy about this, but I promise you we will be back in no time." At this Madi's sapphire eyes glisten with worried tears. "Bellamy, Echo, and I are going to meet some people and negotiate getting our home and the rest of our people back." Clarke heart nearly shatters at the sight of Madi's wobbling lip.

"No! Mommy please!" At the child's outburst and sudden movement to be in her mother's arms, Bellamy looks away. He should have expected this kind of reaction. Madi's never been away from her mother before, not like this. And she's afraid she'll lose her again.

"Baby... I'll come back okay? Nothing bad will happ-"

"You can't promise! Mommy stay! Please!" Madi flings here of into Clarke's arms, and the woman scoops her up into a tight embrace.


Everyone watches with guilt and remorse in their eyes. To see Madi behave this way hurt more than any would admit aloud. She was so pure and innocent, the only person she's known all her life could put herself in danger all over again, and she feared for her mother's life. As the child began to cry, one stood up and places his hand on her back, holding back his own tears at her small fit of emotions.

"Hey. I promise you nothing is going to happen to your mom while we're away. I'll bring her back to you as soon as I can. I swear!" Madi lifts her head slightly off Clarke shoulder as she peers her tearful eyes at Bellamy.

"Pinky promise?" Her little voice drifts in the silent room, no one saying a word at the events unfolding.

Bellamy smiles and holds out his pinky, intertwining it with her tiny finger. "I pinky promise."

She whimpers then, but nods at his declaration. Madi trusted Bellamy to keep her mother safe. That was something she knew would never change.

Clarke watches the exchange, holding the child to her chest for a few moments longer before setting her back down in the chair near by. They needed to leave soon. Even though Clarke didn't want to leave Madi behind, it had to be done.

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