~Conclusion, as one might say~

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I can afford a narrator now;

After all of this drama, they finally reached their destination. After Karl being lost and found over and over again...

Poe was freaking out of the possibility of his dear companion's loss, but he had learnt to keep it to himself after being teased by Ranpo countless times. Poe's lack of sleep was showing itself slowly via his eyes, and Ranpo was trying his best to ignore it as much as possible. However, after his curiosity getting the best out of him, he decided to ask the question that got him thinking through the deepest and darkest nights.



"Why do you always look so dead?"


It would be hard to explain how hard he had tried to please Ranpo, he knew it himself; he needed some rest for his own self. He now remembers every night. How hard it was to write those sentences with tired eyes that yearned for an expression of surprise from the person they had sacrificed themselves for. With a soft nudge of his beloved Karl, he had remembered the sunrise many times, just when he was about to forget his own existence. He could still feel the haze of pure bliss from countless restless nights with ink flowing through his veins instead of blood.

He still remembered.

Sometimes he would remember the interactions between Ranpo and Yosano. Sometimes he would wonder if he was ever noticed while those two were completing each other perfectly. As friends, maybe more?

He wouldn't dare ask that to Ranpo.

"You wouldn't want to know, even if I told you everything I felt generously."

"Just who is the genius here, Poe-kun?"



And there went his self esteem, taken from his very hands by his rival. He knew he was nobody to be trusted, but his selfish side refused to admit that. He wanted Ranpo all for himself. He wanted to beat him in countless ways and see his eyes finally reflect any emotion to ever exist. He knew that wasn't a possibility, but he had always let himself wander on the thin edge of rivalry and interest.

Now deciding to speak up, he starts to tremble:

"What do you want from me? Haven't you already taken what you wanted?''

"Not really."

Well, that was an interesting response. Ranpo wasn't wearing his usual know-it-all smile now. He looked calmer, but now radiating something more dangerous. With the current situation in hand, basing his facial expressions, and everything else...

Ranpo looked frustrated. It appears that he, in fact knows about Poe's struggles to serve him three minutes of pleasure. Maybe Ranpo was the selfish one all along huh?

Ranpo finally speaks, knowing that he can't hurt the other more:

"You are stupid."

Poe answers with a cold chuckle:

"I know that, dear Ranpo."

But Ranpo smiles, opening his eyes a little.

"Yet, you're throwing your life away for me when you have the worst troubles. As a rival, a friend, or a lover; I shall return the favor."

Ranpo couldn't help but smirk while he watches Poe tense up quickly. He actually starts getting more pale by second. However, it wasn't very nice of himself to find the scene enjoyable. Karl was squeezing his owner worriedly, and Ranpo wasn't very sure of what was going on. He could've just used his ability, but it would be unfair and shameful. It wasn't a good thing to take advantage of other people, Fukuzawa has once said.

He uses one of his hands to lift Poe's bangs up. Does he regret it of course? Of course he does.

He now has to deal with someone's crying, considering he himself hasn't cried in years.

Utterly foolish, yet so lovely.

He wipes his tears with his fingers. He knows crying for someone is foolish. But once again, yet still lovely. He offers his hands to his rival.

"Shall we get going?"

Poe is awestruck. The barely remaining light of sun, gently illuminating both of them like there is no one else to see. Teary eyes and light was a splendid concept for a new novel, he thinks. He should take the hands that were offered to him.

And he does so.

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