Don't trust him?

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Okay we're should I start my name is Taylor but people call me Tay I know stupid name. I woke up in my bedroom like any other day but when I woke up I saw my parents were gone?!. I tried calling them they wouldn't pick up I was shitting in my pants because I was all alone in a big house in the forest alone?! I went' to school like any other day but then i got there and nobody was there they disappeared this is when I saw a dead body in the stair well it smelled so fucking bad I almost threw up!. I left and my gut was telling me go through the forest and this figure I saw was standing behind a tree he said "I have Been waiting for you"I was so scared I didn't know what to do he said he knew my dad but I didn't believe him I heard his voice before has a kid but never met him?!

BOOOOM!.... I heard a got gun I saw this other man he was my dads friend than we moved like always one thing I never told you was we moved a lot!... The guys name was Matthew he shot the other guys that was seeming really weird every time her stood next to me!,

I haven't seen Matthew in a while he told me that guys was a serial killer and he killed my parents but I didn't really believe Matthew my dad used to tell my mom he was a lier so I didn't know who to believe?!.

I told Matthew I was better alone I kinda like it like that he understood so he left and gave me a 84 pistol to protect me I was grateful but I believed Matthew is dangerous too?!. I jus don't know if I can work with him I am better looking after my self instead of getting my ass killed from a weird guy?!.!!.!.

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