Look who's that?

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I was so tried so I decided to take a break and make a camp I made a fire with a tent out of my backpack and my jacket and my shoe ties I am pretty basic and clever!...

Later that day I woke up try to find any fruit bars in my backpack but no luck of corse why would I have luck I'm out in the fucking forest with no food or bed!...

I know what your thinking just go back home but I don't really want to because Matthew might be there and I don't really trust him wait?!!.I should go sneak bad there get canned food and some blankets to stay warm here we go!.
Ok I'm here let's sneak in!.
No Matthew is here going through my mom stuff omg her jewelry that's worth more than me whatever there already dead what's the point I found some canned food fruits,vegetables,tuna yes we need tuna to survive I went to my living room and I found the blankets but one really stood out it was fluffy kept me warm and happy so I took that one and some other blankets I found my dads big tent I took it with some other stuff but that's not important!.

Matthew saw me and started to yell out my name I kept running because I never trust him not one bit!. It started to get late so I chose a spot far from my house my old house now I live in the forest so I make a spot with my tent remember my dad had a whole set for camping in the sleeping tent so I used the night light to make some light to eat some tuna I had a lot of cans there were 35 cans of tuna 9 big jugs of fruit I found something Else but I guess you have to wait until I used it.

I fell asleep woke up at 3am and saw this figure but I thought it was a deer my plan was to move throughout the forest to stay in a safe place so I woke up around 9:30 am and ate some fruit not all of it because wanted to save some for latter Ben though it was a 10 pound jug I know your asking how am I carrying that I have this backpack I took from my dad garage it makes things lighter so I just kept walking and walking and walking till I got tired as I was still waking for 2 hours long I still saw this figure who was following me I never thought anybody will be alive so I just ignored it it was nothing later on it was 8 so I decided to stop and build my tent to go to sleep!....

I woke up around 10pm and ate some fruit I still had this feeling someone was following me so I fell asleep and guess who I saw!.?.?.

It was a man he looked homeless I thought to myself wow how many more men are going to come after me he asked me "Hi young lady do you have food I can eat I'm am so hungry I live up the block I was wondering since supermarkets are close I can borrow some food you have" I asked him How you do know I have food on me you fucking weirdo I was not going to be nice no more it was so fucking weird now I'm am trying to survive so I said no I have no food he said ok and left I started to pack my shit up and leave he started to chase me he tripped me and I fell and busted my lip open I was bleeding so much I had to hold my lip with a napkin he looked kinda familiar but I just ask him who are you he said your worst enemy he knocked me out and took me home with him!.?..

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