Chapter One

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|:|No one in particulars view|:|

Whack! “Come on Hannah, you’ve hit dummies harder than you’re hitting her.”

Whack! “I know that Sarah, I’de rather not kill our apprentice wouldn’t yah think?”

Whack-Thud. “Zodiac, are you even trying at this point?”

Hannah frowns down at her apprentice as the younger girl leaps up and steadies herself after fixing her clothes. Zodiac looks over and Hannah follows her gaze over to where a fellow apprentice and a fighter are training. Hannah moves closer to Zodiac and rest a hand on her shoulder leaning into her ear before whispering. “Don’t think about her. Think about your work. She doesn’t even know you exist...yet. We’ll get you there, but you gotta get through this first, a’ight girly?”

Zodiac gives a small grunt and inhales deeply to clear her nose of the mucus that had gathered there from all the dust and shrugging her massive shoulders she turns from Hannah and to Sarah. “Okay, I’m ready for round two.”

Sarah just gives a small laugh as she shakes her head and mouths her famous ‘No.’ before Hannah looks away innocently and using her wooden sword knocks Zodiacs feet out from under her. Once she has steadied herself she faces back to Hannah, frowning. “That wasn’t fair.”

Hannah just laughs. “Zo, Life’s not fair.”

Zodiac gives a huff and testingly swinging her sword she squares up to face Hannah. She centers her mind on training and when the next blow comes from Hannah, swift and heavy, she ducks to the side and sweeps out with her wooden blade catching Hannah’s left leg and makeing her topple sideways into a barrel roll. Hannah leaps back up and lunges agian right as

Zodiac seems to be looking to see if Kelley saw it and catching her off guard Hannah pins her with her sword pointed at her throat. “Okay, lets call it a day.”


|:|Hannah’s point of view|:|

I give a low hiss as I pull off the reinforced spandex we wear when training and inspect where Zo’s sword had caught me.
“She got you pretty good, huh?”

I nearly jump at the voice and turn to see my partner in my doorway brushing through her long light blonde hair before putting it into a bun.
“Jesus Sarah, you nearly made me jump. Also, you know you’re supposed to be taking on that extra class today, right?”

Sarah smirks, “Oh, am I? Because last time I checked Crypt was taking over for me because he owed me a favor.”

I sigh. “The things that man does for you.”

Swike just tsks slightly “I know, and I usually return favors, so, no worries.”

I should point out that he does it all because he likes her, but I won't because the look she gives me tells me she’s not up for talking about it.

I slide the rest of the way out of my pants and then swiftly changing into a oversized shirt while turning away from her I crawl into bed and curl up under the covers softly rubbing my ankle once. It should be better by morning. As I fall asleep I hear Sarah call out a small goodight and I sleepily reply, almost missing the tiny ‘Love you’ that she lets out with a hiding yawn. Almost. What was that all about….


|:|Grace’s Point of view|:|

“D--n Helbig, do you gotta hit so hard?” I give a short laugh and swinging my practice blade back strike at him again landing a blow on his right arm for what must have been the fourth time this session. That was gonna hurt like hell tomorrow.

“You gotta move faster than that Chester.” I hear Chris call to us from the sidelines and i just laugh. “Yeah, listen to Chris, Chester.” Chester gives Chris a helpless look and I swing nicking at his helmet this time. “And don’t lose focus, or I’ll hit you harder next time.”

Chester gives a cocky smiles and I glare at him. “Please, Focus is my middle- Woah!”

I give out a snort of laughter as he find himself on his butt after Chris sneaks up behind him and trips him with his sword. “You were saying, Chester, what is your middle name again?” Chris says with a smirk.

“Psshh, whatever.” He stands back up and dusts himself off. “Can we call it a night please?” He looks between me and Chris and Chris gives me a look before turning back to Chester and walking around.

“Well…..I don’t know. You wouldn’t want to appear weak in front of the ladies...would you?”

Chester huffs at this and bulking out his chest grabs his sword and twirls it around once before rocking back and forth in battle stance looking at Chris. “No way. I’m ready for round two!”

I look around the room, and notice that I’m the only female here, the only one he could impress, and I huff to myself. “Alright, Chris, you take this round then. Let you two duke it out.”

I turn before Chris can reply and sit down on a bench across from them and resting my chin on my fist I smile cheesily and use my other hand to motion for them to start.


It doesn’t take very long for Chris to overpower Chester and pin him to the ground and press against him with his sword pressed blade edge against his throat. I laugh and nudge Chris as he gets off. “Now now, das gay.” I say jokingly and Chris just crinkles his nose at me.

“Oh haha, very funny Helbig. He’s not my type anyway.”

Chester pipes up from his position on the ground. “Should I take that as a insult or not?”

Chris just looks at me and laughs turning back to Chester. “Anyway you want to, you dork. Now get to the showers and then bed. You’ve got drills in the morning.”

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