Chapter Four

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((Abuse & also kidnapping))

|:|Hannah’s Point of View|:|

God it’s good to be home. I smile as I set my small case of cloths on the floor of my room and pounce onto my bed sinking into the thickly filled covers until I feel the mattress beneath me. I hear a soft mreow and I smile when my golden tabby jumps onto the bed. “Sup Buttercup?” She gives a annoyed mreow and jumps on my chest placing her paws on my face and starts kneading me. “Ack, I’m sorry. You know I have no choice but to leave you here and have Tyler look after you. He’s not that bad is he? Unless he is forgetting to feed you because he is too busy boning Troye. Then I’ll have to talk with him.” The cat, unsatisfied with my answer, or not understanding at all, just continues her tirade of massaging my face. I’m so glad she is declawed. Finally seeming pleased with her work she jumps off of me, and curls up next to my neck resting her head on my throat and nuzzling me. “I know baby. I know. I missed you to.” I bend awkwardly and kiss the ear closest to me, which she flicks back in minor annoyance, before nuzzling me again. I give a soft sigh and lean back into the bed letting my eyes flutter closed. I still need to unpack..but that can wait until morning. Right now it's nappy time.. Before I go to sleep I stroke her silky fur once and whisper out. “It gets butter.” Maybe it will, if said enough….

Yea. Puns fix everything, right?

|:|Zodiac’s Point of View|:|

(Because you’re just dying to know how our bold recruit is doing.)

I give a small hiss as I collapse in my bed. Not only did I have to start my vacation a day early than everyone else who got one, I also had to spend it with my step-douche-of-a-father and my ignorant mom. Not to mention my annoying older brother Dylan, who Jake thought was just the best son anyone could have. I had just closed my eyes to take a power nap when my door slams open into the wooden wall behind it. “What do you think you're doing Zodoodooac?” I growl softly. Dylan.

He strides over to my bed and yanks at the covers sending my crashing to the floor. “What the fck prick?!”

He just sneers. “Dad wants you to take down the trash.”

I look at him from the floor. “Well why can’t you? It’s a long way down the road and you have a truck. I would have to walk!”

Before I can do anything his foot flies back and sails back to me hitting me in the abdomen. “Because, dad told you to. And I’m not going to waste my gas when you can walk.”

I cough to catch my breath before pulling on my shoes and grabbing the bag to make the long trip down our driveway.

Maybe I should move in with the gang…

|:|Hannah’s Point of View (Again)|:|

Most people would get to wake up to the soft sunlight filtering in through there window as dawn slowly crept over the city. Not me. I’m awoken by the pitter patter of anxious paws and the loud mewing of a loud cat on its hunt. I groan and sit up hanging my feet off the bed. Suddenly a lengthy blur of fur shoots up my leg and I bite my lower lip so I don’t yelp. IT rests on my shoulder glaring at buttercup, who still remains on the floor. “Hey Pascal.” The tiny ferret dips it head hearing his name before glaring back at the cat, watching it carefully. I stand up and he grips onto my shirt as I head for the door speaking as I go “Buttercup, didn’t I tell you not to chase the ferret?” The cat gives no reply as she follows both of us into the living room. I set him in his cage and close the top so neither of them can reach each other and then slip on my shoes. Peering out the door I groan and grab a hoodie. It was raining. So much for getting butter.


|:|Grace’s Point of View|:|

It was raining. Of course it was raining. Great. This was going to get messy. I give a tiny huff pulling on my hood as I shift in my hiding spot. This was not how I had planned on spending my saturday morning. Cold and wet hiding behind a thick bush awaiting someone who had tried to kill me just a few days ago..or not killed me? I don’t know, and that’s why I’m here. For some answers. I start to grow impatient when I hear the light footsteps my informant had said I would. I peer around the bush, and find my sources correct. Hannah. I would have to pay them later. If they were still alive. I swallow my fear as she rounds the corner and jump out grabbing onto her. I topple us sideways back into the bush, but she is startled and fights back. I catch a elbow to the abdomen and give a small grunt “Ouch. That freaking hurt.” She wriggles in my strong grip, but can’t break it. “Let me go!” I sigh and losses it a tiny bit, but not enough for her to escape. “If I let you can’t run, and you can’t attack..” She must recognize my voice because she stops moving. I release her and she falls back looking at me dumbfounded. I feel awkward now and I wave slightly. “Hi, sorry about that, we need to talk.” Hannah is still for a moment and then just when I think she is not gonna try anything she tries to leap from the bushes. I growl and lunge after her tugging her back in. I pull a needle from my back pocket. “I really didn’t want to do this…” I stab the needle into her thigh and insert the liquid. She fights for a little while before sagging in my arms. Once she is fully out I fake vomiting sounds and then wait a little bit. Then I heft her onto my shoulder and carry her out into the rain. A person was walking by as I assumed would be, since the morning was really starting. “Sorry, taking my friend home, she’s had a little bit too much to drink already.” The person, a older woman with slightly greying hair just tisks softly before she keeps walking. “Come on buddy.” I say to push my point as I mostly carry her back to my home.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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