Chapter Two

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|:|Sarah’s Point of view|:|

God, I’m such a idiot, why did I say that? I hope she didn’t hear-

There is suddenly a very loud ringing that blurs my thoughts and I snap my eyes open to see the red alarm light above our door flashing. Ah, S--t. I groan and roll from bed swiftly dressing myself and handing Hannah her clothes before we both grab our very real swords and charge down the hall. We stop short as a few of our heavy fighters rush past us and then continue on. We follow the directions blaring over the com and find ourselves in the green turf outside our base thats inclosed by a wall.

“Oh f-k”

Hannah takes the words right from my mind.  What lies before us is not at all that you would expect to see at this late at night. Normal Fred and his older brother Sam along with Katza & Larch would be patrolling the grounds. Instead what stands before us is a blood bath. Most are human forms draped in Red and Gold cloaks.

“The Tigers.” I mutter under my breath. It was a raid.
“More like the Kittens am I right guys?” Zodiac says excitedly bounding up to us. I can tell she is super excited and can hardly control herself.

“Zo, don’t smile. Frown as if Satan just declined your party invitation.”

I cant help but almost giggle at Hannahs words. She could say the dumbest things ever, but it was adorable and funny most the time. I shake my head slightly. What was I saying. She’s my partner. And this is a raid on us. The raid. I snap to attention and beacon for us to spread out and try and take out any secluded members of the Tigers that we can. I find myself facing a large hulking guy whose shirt barely fits him. He gives a roar and lunges at me and without thinking I raise my blade to slide past his and catch his arm with the force of his low as his blade falls past me slicing through some of my hair.

“Oh I know you did not just!” I yank at my sword and after grasping the fact that it is stuck in his muscled arm i pull a blade from my boot and jab it into his throat. He goes down and I move onto the next. A shorter, thinner girl whom seems rather fast. This should be fun.


|:|Grace’s Point of view|:|

I almost had the rather large crossbow wielding man in a dark cloak pinned when another blade comes from nowhere and knocks my leg making me fall and I feel a hilt slam into back. I groan and try to roll so that my attackers can’t get my open back. When I roll the cloaked man is already done, but a very short, very agile female is standing above me, her sword pointed at my throat. She seems to just be staring down at me. Her eyes are a very light blue and are so striking. I can't take much more of this. “What are you waiting for,” I spit out “finish me off already.” She searches my face a bit, before looking around and watching my comrades flee. I watch them flee to for a moment before she looks back and i'm pierced with those eyes again. She simply grunt and I think I hear what sounds like a whine and she sheaths her blade and grabs my club before simply turning and walking away. I stare after her in dumb shock for a moment as her figure and her friends figure disappear back into the building and then at the cock of a gun I stand and scurry from the lot with the others trying to avoid the bullets pelting the ground behind me.


|:|Noone in particular’s point of view|:|

Sarah treads into the bunk room to find Hannah already sitting on her bed.
“Hey Hannah, do you see what that prick did to my hair. I’m going to have to get it redone this weekend!”

Hannah looks up hiding her frown and smiles. “Well then, I guess its a good thing we have the next month off huh?”  

Sarah laughs. When you say it like that it almost sounds as if this is just a job. As if we could quit whenever.


A solid crack sounds through the halls and Hannah sighs before crawling into her bed to finish her night of rest. Sarah crawls into her bunk as well and leans over slightly to look down at Hannah.

“Night Han.”


“Night Swike.”

The reply takes a moment, but it is there. And its a good thing the lights are now out again or else Hannah would have seen the happy but longing smile plastered across Sarahs face as she moved back to look up at the ceiling before letting sleep take her.

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