Brynleigh x Magnus

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Magnus' POV

Magnus drove the boat into a small island in the swamp. Brynleigh and Cyrus talked the whole way. He hated the way Brynleigh insulted him all the time, but he still loved it. Her smart mouth, her rapier wit- Whit... He hated that word. Would Brynleigh not like him because he's a WhitKid? He loved her with every fiber. And he therefore hated  Cyrus. He wanted to grab Cyrus by the neck and throw him into the swamp more than anything. And, here he was, waiting for Brynleigh to tell him where Holiday was. Why was this so easy? Did she like him back? Well, whatever the reason, she was gonna tell him.

"I want Angelica to personally bring me back to Juneau in her private jet. I want a big juicy bear steak and a double-slice of chocolate cake for the ride. I also want WiFi to stream another episode of Braineigh Brynleigh from the sky. I want my dad waiting for me when I arrive home and by home I mean a new house with about...100 acres. Modern, and I want to live in COMPLETE safety from WhittierCorp for the rest of our lives." Brynleigh requested. 

"Are you serious?" He responded. Anything for you, Brynn-Brynn.... He wanted to say. But he had to follow orders and act tough. "You want us to buy you a HOUSE?" 

"Well, you burned down my last one so...yeah." She continued. He agreed, so he left the cabin. This seemed...fishy.


As soon as he found out he had been fooled, he almost cried. He hated Cyrus with every fiber. She hated him. Why did he ever listen to The Monarch? Why did he have to burn down her house? Why did she have to fool him at every turn?  When he said she'd make a good WhitKid, he meant it. Mostly, he wished it was true. They could train together. He could help her with anything, and she would love him back. He was like the devil, and she was a beautiful angel. He wanted to have her for himself, but he let them go because he wanted her to be happy. With Cyrus. They were both super smart, but Cyrus was so...stupid. He loved her more than anything in the world. It just wasn't fair! Its not his fault that he had to burn down her house! Orders orders, ORDERS! He wanted to take her hand, and climb a willow. He wanted to live in the swamp with her, and he would always cater to her needs. He wanted to live there, in peace. Peace. Peace!  He hated Angelica now. He would backstab her. Sometime very, very soon, he would get his revenge.

Hehe! Sorry if this isn't what it seems. I don't really ship this and, well, had no ideas for this. It was fun to make tho!

Request by K-girlieFanFicGeek

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