Cam x Adam

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Hey, guys! First of all, plzzzlzlzllz no complain cuz this was last minute i haz tutoring session ;.;. Any bold writing like this is a comment of mine! Also ask by Mynameisjudy! Tysm!

Cam was tired of hoverboarding in a forest in the middle of nowhere. It was long, and loud, and boring. But she had to keep going, for Holiday's sake. She past the very real and very annoyingly curious deer that looked up quizzically as they kept. But to be honest, they were kind of cute. She was incredibly bored without Adam, but she was the only one with invisibility, and therefore, the only one that could track Holiday without being seen. One year ago, the four of them had been joking away, drinking soda on the beach at sunset. Holiday and Badger were splashing with the dolphins, while her and Adam were alone, on the beach, talking.

"You know," Adam had said. "Even though I had my doubts, you were right." Cam sat up instantly picking her nails. 

"Well..." She started. "Adam, I've been meaning to tell you something." 

"What is it?" He asked, taking another sip of the soda. 

"Holiday...doesn't like it here." She blurted. Adam still looked relaxed. He then giggled slightly.

"Cam what are you talking about? She loves it here." He said, gesturing to Holiday, Badger, and the dolphins. "Besides, if she is planning to leave, we'll enjoy her while we can, and hopefully convince her to stay!" 

Cam was worried, but smiled anyway. Whatever Adam said was always reassuring. 

"Hey, wanna race elephants?" Cam asked suddenly.

"Oh, I will so crush you this time!" Adam replied. "Last one to the waterfall has to call the other 'Boss' for the rest of the week!" 

"Pffft, I'd do that anyway. And I'll totally beat you, so, I will." She said challengingly. Of course, Cam had won, called Adam 'boss' for the rest of the week anyway, and woke up Badger by pouring cold water on him that night on a dare. But now, she was far away from Adam and his insane dares, his helpful bets, his passive aggressive jokes and just him. Far away, and Cam was miserable.


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