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Photography 1: A sunset in a Borderwith a logo for Ariel's Action Shots Photography

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Photography 1: A sunset in a Borderwith a logo for Ariel's Action Shots Photography

National Autism Awareness/Acceptance Month is April. Due to the pandemic the theme for 2021 is the same 2020 which is celebrating differences. This year is a little different because I am learning to embrace my differences that I used to be ashamed especially this year as things have change between the pandemic and I moved away from my normal for so many years. There are new celebrating my differences that has come in the last couple months and will continue for the months that are head of me.

I am aware that not everyone is happy with my view of autism, but I always say I am one of the few people, who know what it is like to be on the spectrum and not have people believe that I am autistic at all. So, I am aware that not everyone will agree that with me viewing them as differences instead of disability. But we live in the world, if you are not black and white version of something than you can deal with challenges from it. I would rather embrace my differences than feel like I am not being true to myself anymore in this world. 

Photography 2: A rose flower in aBorder with a logo for Ariel's Action Shots Photography

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Photography 2: A rose flower in aBorder with a logo for Ariel's Action Shots Photography

"You are right, I am more than a little weird and a bit awkward. No, I do not fit in and most people do not understand me. But at least I am being real, and I think the world needs more people who are brave enough to be real. -Brooke Hampton

Allthe quotes are labeled by who said them to best of my abilities and allphotographs were taken by me. This isthe fourth year that I have done something for Autism Awareness Month. But more people on the spectrum are doingmore things to make sure April is Autism Acceptance Month. There is so many reasonswhy I make sure to share my story and with what is going on in the world, weall could use some more understanding kindness, and love for way we are.

 There is so many reasonswhy I make sure to share my story and with what is going on in the world, weall could use some more understanding kindness, and love for way we are

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Photography 3: Firework in red in aBorder with a logo for Ariel's Action Shots Photography

"I am Autistic. There is nothing wrong with me. I am not flawed. I am not broken. I do not have special needs. I have human needs. My brain thinks out of the typical box. My brain is not missing pieces. In fact, I could argue that I experience MORE than the average neurotypical person. I require accommodations to live life to my fullest potential in neurotypical centered world. And that is okay. I am happy. I am not less. I am different. I am extraordinary. I am smart. I am focused. I am kind. I am proud. I am unique. I am quirky. I love. I care."-Quirky Stimmy Cool

This probably the scariest thing I do all year, I put more myself in to educate others in my yearly (this is year 5) autism awareness/acceptance piece than I put in many of my writings because it is more important as well as personal for me. Last 4 years, I have done it in written form. It is the most nerve wreck thing ever especially with my communication issues. I feel like I am putting myself out there to be made fun being me in one way or another. This year, theme for National Autism Awareness Month is celebrate differences while I am still learning to celebrate my differences I hope this bring enough insight in my life that just one person goes away with more understanding about Autism. In the last couple weeks, many people have been dealing with challenges that Autistic community can relate to and I hope this year's piece shows that we are more alike than different. As always, the photographs are taken by me and I am willing answer any questions and comments you want to know about.

 As always, the photographs are taken by me and I am willing answer any questions and comments you want to know about

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Photography 4: Red Leaves withwater drops on them in a Border with a logo for Ariel's Action Shots Photography

"Stop making yourself small to make other people feel more comfortable. The people who are going to judge you are going to judge you no matter what you do. The people who are going to judge you because they are too afraid to live big themselves. Playing small helps no one, least of all yourself. You are the only you there is, you are the only person who has your gifts; you are here to share them. You are here to live out loud. You are here to live large."-Kirsten J. Robinson

Sohere is me living loud and proud of my differences the best I can. Hopefully,you enjoy learning more about me and Autism. This means more to me this yearbecause I now have people in my life that want to know about my experiences inlife. I hope that this piece gives you a little more insight into what I dealwith daily in one way or another. I hope that make anyone understand that is somuch to being Autistic than the label, it is part of who I am and to deny thatpart is not living up to my potential. I am one of the few people, who actualexplain what is like to be Autistic in our world. And 4% of Autistic are actualnonverbal, but more people think that when you think Autism instead of thinkingof someone, who might struggle to communicate in other ways.

 And 4% of Autistic are actualnonverbal, but more people think that when you think Autism instead of thinkingof someone, who might struggle to communicate in other ways

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Photography 5: A sunset in a Borderwith a logo for Ariel's Action Shots Photography

"Autism is not something a person has, or a 'shell' that a person is trapped inside. There is no normal child hidden behind the autism. Autism is way of being. It is pervasive; it colors every experience, every sensation, perception, thought, emotion, and encounter, every aspect of existence. It is not possible to separate the autism from the person and if it were possible, the person you would have left would not be the same person you started with. This important, so take a moment to consider it: Autism is a way of being. It is not possible to separate the person from the autism. "-Jim Sinclair

There is the main reason, I started talking about Autism because many times in my life I felt bad for the label of Autism. Even if that meant I was able to get the support I need to do something in life because the amount of shame that come from 6 letters. That need to change in many ways so this me helping by explaining what it is like for at least me. We live in society that does not handle invisible conditions very well. I have always said that my brain is wired different not a bad different but different than everyone else. That leads to issues especially in communicate ways because I worry that I am not being clear enough for the other person to understand. I just make sure that you understand that I understand that it is hard to understand that some people who do not look like they have issues do. So, thank you for reading this and want to learn about this!

Autism Awareness and Acceptance Piece 2021Where stories live. Discover now