Part 1

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Photography 6: A Sunset in a Borderwith a logo for Ariel's Action Shots Photography

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Photography 6: A Sunset in a Borderwith a logo for Ariel's Action Shots Photography

"The most interesting people you will find are the ones that do not fit into your average cardboard box. They will make what they need, they will make their own boxes."-Temple Grandin

April is Autism Awareness Month. World Autism Awareness Day is April 2nd every year since 2007. Autism Speaks calls it "The Light Up Blue Campaign" because more boys are affected than girls. The statistic shows 1 in 37 is diagnosis rate for boys versus 1 in 151 diagnosis rates for girls as 2014. Most of Autism community does not have much support Autism Speaks because they want to cure for Autism. There is no cure for Autism because it is neurological disorder that effects people's lives for years after their childhood years. But most of the Autism community started to make April in Autism Acceptance Month and make April 2nd into World Autism Acceptance Day. More females diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder as adults instead children like males.

Photography 7: A group of roseflowers in a Border with a logo for Ariel's Action Shots Photography

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Photography 7: A group of roseflowers in a Border with a logo for Ariel's Action Shots Photography

"Just because I do not LOOK Autistic that does certainly not take away from my constantly elevated sensitivity levels, the ongoing CHALLENGES and struggles I experience each day or my constantly elevated anxiety levels. If anything, not LOOKING Autistic make existence even MORE challenging because not ever assumes how very much I'm struggling every day."-Unknown

This quote is how I feel many times over the last 20 plus years during my journey to come to terms with my Autism diagnosis. Every time I have gotten to the point where I accept, I am Autistic, there is someone clueless about Autism. Especially when I hear most of my life, you can be Autistic because you do not look Autistic, or you are more verbal than most people with Autism. But in social situation I have taught myself how to more outgoing than I am so many times leads to a meltdown or shut down growing up after being people who do not know I am Autistic because I have learned to fake being "normal" in social situation. Over the last 10 years, I have been educating many people what is like to have Autism, at least for me. To understand why I am talking about Autism, you must get to know me, first.

Autism Awareness and Acceptance Piece 2021Where stories live. Discover now