Good Boy (SFW)

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A dom was on a work call early in the morning when his sleepy sub woke up, and noticed he was gone, not remembering the day before he had told him that he had a very early work call, so the sub got up and walked into his dom’s office. As he yawned, the dom looked up from his computer and smiled. He pointed down by his side and the sub giggled sleepily and walked over, and sat down near his dom and laid his head on his thigh. The dom petted and played with his sub’s hair as the sub slowly drifted off to sleep once more.  When the sub woke up they were still laying on the dom’s thigh. He looked up at his working dom and poked his thigh, gaining his dom’s attention. The dom softly patted his lap and the sub stood up and crawled into his dom’s lap, wrapping his arms and legs around him, burying his head into his neck, kissing him. The dom chuckled softly and stopped working, turning his full attention to his very sleepy sub
“My little baby, how come you got out of bed so early?” He asked him, cupping his face gently.

“I couldn’t sleep without you daddy,” The sub whispered softly and his dom cooed, embracing him in a warm hug

“Let’s go get some food for you and get you back to bed alright?” The dom smiled as the sub nodded happily and hopped off his dom’s lap. They took each others hands and walked down to their kitchen. The sub sat on the couch and turned on a movie as the dom cooked some waffles and once they were done, sat next to their sub and fed them waffles. After he was done eating, he yawned and curled into his dom, closing his eyes. “Love, you should fall asleep in bed, not on the couch.” The dom said softly

“I wanna fall asleep wherever you are” he replied, yawning again and drifting off to sleep. The dom smiled and held his baby close as he too, drifted off to sleep.

Well I think It's Fun Time, Don't you agree Sir?Where stories live. Discover now