Act 1 ; Scene 4 - "Sforzando Sophia!"

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(Sophia is seen again as she walks at a steady tempo. She has a pep in her step and the morning sun is shining brightly on her face. She is the only one walking on the street and she doesn't seem to have care in the world. She instead talks about Andrē.)

Sophia :
Wow... I finally got a boy to talk to me! And he didn't even talk about the size of my nose!

(Sophia jumps in the air while pumping her fists to the sky. She then looks around to see if anyone heard her but she doesn't seem to mind. She then hears a rumble from her stomach and looks around to see if she can find some type of restaurant.)

Sophia :
Goodness, when was the last time I ate something?

(Sophia then starts to walk down the street and notices a sandwich shop in front of her. There are no cars so she decides to jaywalk by running across the street. She only has $85.68 and found a penny on the ground.)

Sophia :
Great! Now I have eighty five dollars and sixty nine cents!

(Sophia then walks into the shop and looks directly at the menu. She notices sandwiches, soups, and many varieties of salads.)

Sophia :
Huh? How can there be a combination of vegan salads and non-dairy salads? Wouldn't that just cancel out the other vegan entree? 

(A worker, dressed in a red uniform and her hair pulled into a bun, stands from behind the counter and slams it to get Sophia's attention.)

Worker :

(Sophia is startled. She screams and then smacks the worker in the face. The worker falls down to the ground as soon as she is smacked.)

Sophia (anxiously) :
Oh my goodness! Are you okay?

Worker :
Jeez man, what is wrong with you!

(The worker has a slight French accent and she is rubbing her cheek as Sophia walks around the countertop to see if she is okay. The worker then swats Sophia away with her hand and slowly stands up. Her face has Sophia's hand imprinted on her cheek.)

Sophia :
I didn't mean to slap you. You just startled me!

Worker :
Well, I'm sorry for scaring you, but you shouldn't have slapped me.

(Sophia then looks at the workers name tag which reads, "Lavender". Sophia then giggles at her name and Lavender notices that she is laughing.)

Lavender :
What is so funny?

Sophia :
Oh nothing, I just love your name. I've never met someone named Lavender.

Lavender :
Oh yes, I came from France, it's a rarely common name here. My name was originally Lavande but my mother changed it to Lavender. She told me I was named that because my grandmother used to love growing lavenders in her garden and said I was born with a vibrant violet glow

Sophia :

Lavender :
Yeah, I then had to learn English, which wasn't as easy,  and earn some money from this small sandwich shop to pay the rent with my mother. Anyways, what would you like?

Sophia :
Umm... I would just like to get a BLT sandwich along with a container of chicken soup.

(Lavender then prepares Sophia's sandwich and soup while Sophia watches Lavender make it with a look of desperation. After Lavender  completes her lunch, she totals up the cost of the soup and sandwich and Sophia pays for it.)

(Just as Sophia grabs her order and begins to leave, Lavender eyes her for a couple of seconds. She then opens her mouth in surprise.)

Lavender :
Oh wait, I have seen you before! Do you go to Canadon?

(Sophia then turns around and nods her head in confusion.)

Lavender :
Yeah! You're that one girl who always plays the piano in music class. You sit all the way in back so no one can hear you. Ironically, I hear you all the time playing such beautiful pieces that remind me of home. To be quite honest, I think you play with such elegance!

(Sophia then closes the door and walks back into the shop. She then takes a seat at a table and Lavender walks over to sit with her, grabbing her own lunch. Lavender then plops in the seat across from Sophia and begins to eat in front of her.)

(Lavender then begins to talk while she still has food in her mouth.)

Lavender :
So, what's been up with you?

(Sophia takes a bite of her sandwich while leaning back in her chair and she thinks about her response. After some time, she eventually sits back up and opens her mouth.)

Sophia :
I recently performed at a theatre and flopped the whole performance, I beat up my music professor because he called me a failure and then I went to the park and met this boy the other day...

(Lavender then smiles at Sophia and grabs her hands. She then starts to giggle and opens up her mouth.)

Lavender :
Oh Sophia! Who is this boy that you speak of, darling?

(Sophia then starts to blush and abruptly lets go of Lavender's hands. Sophia then covers her face due to her embarrassment, making Lavender slam Sophia's hands down, making her face visible once again.)

Lavender :
Come on, Sophia! What's his name?!

Sophia (embarrassed) :
His name is Andrē.

(Lavender then releases Sophia's hands and she has a surprised look on her face. Sophia looks visibly confused and she tries to think about a question to ask about her to change the subject, but she talks about Andrē.)

Sophia :
Why are you so shocked? I've never met this boy in my life.

Lavender :
Sophia! He has had a crush on you ever since you were a freshman at Canadon! Have you never noticed his looks?

(Sophia then smiles and looks down at the table. After some time, she looks back at Lavender and laughs to herself.)

Sophia :
Don't you think it's such a clichē that this random guy has a crush on me all of a sudden. It's kind of like one of those weird romance movies where the girl finds "The One", huh?

(Lavender then looks at Sophia in a confused way but she then shakes her head, smiling. Lavender then stands up from the table and throws away her trash.)

Lavender :
So Sophia, I guess I'd see you around school then?

Sophia :
Yeah, we can hang out during passing periods. We're kinda like, ya know, friends in a way.

(Lavender then squeals and wraps her arms around Sophia.)

Lavender :
Yes! We can definitely be friends!

(Sophia then laughs along with Lavender and they eventually break off their hug to say their goodbyes.)

(The scene then closes with Sophia leaving the store and walking out in front of the sandwich shop, smiling along the whole walk.)

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