Act 2 ; Scene 2 - "Adagio"

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(Sophia looks behind her as the door slams shut and she cautiously walks over to take a seat in an old, leathered folding chair in front of Ms. Brahms' desk. Sophia look back at Ms. Brahms as she walks from the door and to her desk. Sophia then faces forward and looks at all the papers on top of her desk, which appear to be multiple forms, highlighted in yellow and most of them are underlined in red ink.)

(Ms. Brahms comes from behind Sophia and she plops into her chair,  releasing a huge sigh as she rubs her forehead with her thumb and index finger. She then removes her glasses and examines them before tossing them onto the desk, staring at the forms.)

(Sophia looks at her glasses on the desk and she puts her hands on her lap, bouncing her knees. She looks around the whole room as Ms. Brahms sits in frustration and she can feel a chill from sitting inside of the cold room. The windows aren't even open and are instead blocked by cheap blinds. Sophia then turns her attention back to Ms. Brahms and she slowly opens her mouth.)

Sophia(nervous) :
I-is there something you would like to talk about?

(Ms. Brahms looks up from her desk and she takes a good look at Sophia.)

Ms. Brahms :
Yes, Sophia, but before we discuss the situation, how about I ask about yourself?

(Sophia stops bouncing her knee and she looks down at the tiled floor as she takes a deep breath and she thinks about her morning with Andrē.)

Sophia :
Well, I've been doing good so far. Me and Andrē got breakfast this morning from that one diner down the street and it was pretty good.

(Ms. Brahms then smiles as Sophia talks about her morning.)

Ms. Brahms :
That's amazing.

(Ms. Brahms then faces towards the floor and her smile instantly disappears. After a few seconds, she takes a deep breath and talks to Sophia without giving her direct eye contact.) 

Ms. Brahms :
Look, I'm going to be honest with you. Things aren't going great here at Canadon.

(Sophia then leans forward to clearly hear Ms. Brahms.)

Sophia :
Why is that?

(Ms. Brahms rubs her forehead again and looks at the window, covered by the grim blinds.)

Ms. Brahms :
The school has undergone investigation because of the incident with you and Destiny and right now, we're having to deal with multiple complaints from parents who want to transfer their children out of the school, as you can see by the pile on my desk.

(Sophia then has a questioned look on her face and opens her mouth.)

Sophia :
Is that a bad thing?

(Ms. Brahms shakes her head.)

Ms. Brahms :
Not necessarily. We've had multiple students transfer out of this school but more students just take their spots and nothing happens. Life continues as normal. However, this is different. 

(Sophia bounces her leg again.)

Sophia :
How is this any different?

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