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(Craig's point of view)

I look around the busy pub. The guys decided to stop at a local bar for dinner. My eyes scan the room and eventually land on Everest. She sits at the bar by herself sipping a coke. She brushes her hair off her shoulders and kicks her legs slightly. I can tell she's uncomfortable. Her eyes check the time on her phone every so often. I feel bad for her, I know how to feels to be shy.
The pub is filled with people, loud people. They talk and dance and eat in large groups. The majority of them are drunk and obnoxious.
I go to stand up and join Everest at the bar when Corey yells my name.

"Craig! It's your turn!" He yells as he holds up a pool stick.

My eyes flick between Everest and the guys.

"Come on man!" Corey yells.

I get up and walk over towards him. He grins as he hands me the pool stick. I take it in my hands and look at the balls on the table. I plan out my strategy before lining up the stick with one of the balls. I close one eye and aim before pushing the stick forward, hitting the ball and making it fly towards two other balls. Both balls get pushed into one of the holes and I smile as I hand the stick back to Corey.
Corey rolls his eyes at me as he begins to plan out his move.
I snicker.
I look over towards the bar again and see Everest, expect this time she looks even more uncomfortable.
I watch as this guy tries to grab her hand. She pulls it away from him and shrinks back. The man continues to talk to her and try to place his hands on her. She shakes her head at him a couple of times and I can tell she can't find her voice.
The man places his hand on her thigh causing her to flinch.
I shake my head as I walk over towards them. I wrap my arms around Everest and look over at the guy. Everest jumps a little but when she sees it's me a look of relief washes over her face.

"The pretty girl has a boyfriend," the man smirks as he stares at me.

I look down at Everest as if I'm telling her to follow me. She nods and gets up. I glare at the man and he grins at me. I place my hand on Everest's back and lead her towards the rest of the guys.

"Why don't you talk freak!" The man shouts after me.

I ignore him and walk over towards the guys.
Everest looks up at me and I smile slightly down at her.

"Thank you," she whispers as she wraps her arms around me. I can sense the hurt and fear in her voice.

I wrap my arms around her and give her a reassuring squeeze. I look over at Corey and he smirks at me but I shake my head back at him.
Corey's face drops and he walks over.

"Is everything okay?" Corey asks a he approaches me.

I shrug and rub Everest's back as she hides.

"Craig I'm going to head back to the bus. Can you walk me there?" She asks as she peers up at me.

I nod my head.

"What happened?" Corey questions as he looks down at Everest.

I look around the room and my eyes land on the guy. He smiles at me and I glare at him.

"Him?" Corey asks.

I nod.

"Hey Mick!" Corey calls.

Mick looks over at Corey and stands up, walking to him. Corey starts telling Mick about the guy and Mick rolls up his sleeves.
I smirk and lead Everest out the door. She shivers as we walk through the parking lot. I offer her my coat but she shakes her head. She stuffs her hands into her pockets as we walk in silence.
When we make it to the staff bus she throws up the door and walks up the steps. I shrug as I follow her into the bus. She turns around to say something but she just sighs and sits down at the couch. I frown as she puts her head into her hands and breaths heavily. I walk towards her and kneel down in front of her. I take her hands into mine and rub my thumbs over the back of them. I want to tell her that everything will be okay but I can't.
Everest sniffles a little.

"Sorry for ruining your night," she sighs as she delicately squeezes my hands.

I shake my head quickly at her. She definitely didn't ruin my night, I wasn't having that much fun anyways.
I stand up and sit on the couch next to her. She looks up at me and I smile down at her as I hesitantly wrap my arms around her.
Everest smiles and hugs me back. She sighs gently as she rests her head against my chest.
I rub her back gently to calm her down. Her heart is beating quickly as she shakes slightly.

"Thank you Craig," she mumbles as she gets comfortable.

I nod and hum in response as I tighten my grip around her with the intention of calming her down and making her feel safe.
The door to the bus opens and one of the staff ladies walk inside. Everest jumps and I rub her back.

"Is Everest okay?" She questions as she looks between us.

I look down at her and she peers up at me.
I nod as I look over at the lady. She looks between us for a moment before nodding as she gives us a thumbs up. The lady walks quickly out of the bus and shuts the door behind her.
Everest yawns and sits up a little as she rests her head back down on my chest. I rub her arms and she closes her eyes.
I decide to lay down since I probably won't be going anywhere anytime soon.
Everest looks up at me shyly and I shrug as I wrap my arms around her. She closes her eyes again and I feel her heartbeat slow down.
She yawns on final time before I feel her completely relax.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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