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(Everest's point of view)

I walk into the chaotic building that is buzzing with life. I pull my beanie further down on my head and bite my lip rings, it's a nervous habit of mine that I can't seem to break.

I walk through the building trying to find the greeting station that the lady on the phone told me to go to. Today is my first day of work and I have no clue where anything is or who anyone is.
I was really excited about this gig because I get to work as a stage crew for Slipknot but now I'm just nervous and uncomfortable.

I accidentally bump into someone and they snarl at me.

"Watch where you're going," they growl.

I lower my head and mutter an apology.

I finally find the door that says greeting. I walk in and see a small group of people standing around.

I walk past them and up to the lady at the front desk.

"How May I help you?" I ask.

"Um. I-I work here. Today is my first day and a lady told me to come here," I shrug nervously pulling my two lip rings into my mouth again.

The lady nods and types something into her computer.

"Name?" She asks in her monotone voice.

"Everest Cornice," I speak.

The lady studies me for a second.

"Cornice?" She questions.

I nod nervously.

"Like wind-blown snow, it's an earthy thing," I tell her.

The lady just nods and finds my name on the computer.

"Alright you have a variety of tasks that you will learn. Today you will be helping carrying boxes of supplies into the arena," the lady tells me.

"You will be working with that man over there," the lady says as she points to a tall boy in the corner of the room.

I nod and he waves at me. I give him a little wave back.

The lady hands me a file.

"Check off the boxes in here when you put each item in the building," the lady tells me as she points to the sheet with the names of the items.

I grab the file from her.

"T-thanks," I mutter.

She replies with a, "Mm."

I nervously walk towards the tall guy.

"You must be Everest, I'm Jordon," The man says as he extends his hand to me.

I shake his hand and hope he doesn't notice how sweaty they are.

Jordon walks in front of me out of the room.

He seems friendly enough.

I follow him out to where a huge truck is.
I gasp as I see all the boxes.

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