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(Everest's point of view)

I groan as I feel the sun shine over my sleepy face.
I should have closed that window last night.
I get up and realize I only have my underwear on.
I look down at the floor and see my discarded clothes.
My heart skips a beat as I frantically look around the room.

I let out a sigh of relief and lay back down as I realize there's no one else in the room with me.

I must have just gotten hot last night.

Suddenly someone starts pounding on the door and I jump.

"Hey! Silver haired chick!!! Your team is getting ready to leave!" Corey's loud voice booms through the door.

I panic as I look over at the clock.

"Give me a moment!" I yell.
My voice comes out way to loud for my liking.

I grab a pair of ripped jeans and a shredded tank top and throw them on quickly.

I pull my hair into two messy space buns.

I skip makeup entirely and grab my backpack.

I walk out into the hallway and come face to face with Corey.

He's leaning against the wall staring up at the ceiling.

"Thanks. I over slept," I whisper.

Corey smiles at me and nods.

"No problem. Everyone's outside waiting," Corey explains as he pushes off the wall and starts walking down the hallway.

I follow him and we both enter the elevator.

I pick at my bracelets nervously.

"Relax girl. I'm not gonna hurt ya," Corey chuckles.

"Sorry," I mutter as I pull my lip rings between my teeth.

"Did those hurt?" Corey asks.

I point to my lip rings and he nods.

"Not really. Not as much as other piercings," I shrug.

He smiles, "they're cool."

"Thanks," I smile back as I push a loose strand of my hair out of my face.

Corey allows me to walk out of the elevator first and then we both walk out onto the parking lot and over to the two big busses.

"There's the sleepy head," Emily smiles.

I roll my eyes but walk over to her.

"What took so long?" Emily asks as she puts her arm around my shoulder.

"I lost track of time," I shrug.

Emily leads me into the bus and out of the corner of my eye I see Craig looking at me.

He waves and I wave back as I enter our staff bus.

I sit down on the couch and ask Emily to pass me the binder with the itinerary in it.

She hands it to me and I open it up. I flip to today's date and read through.

Today slipknot has two shows and then we'll come back to the hotel and pack before driving to the next city.

Emily hands me a coffee and I thank her as I take a sip.
I take some deep breaths, trying to wake myself up.

In what seems like no time the bus pulls up to the same stadium as last night's show.
I get out with Emily and we walk over to the bus with all of the band's equipment.

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