Level 3: The First boss

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"Your attention, please."

The forty or so players quickly quieted down when the first boss strategy meeting began. They were sitting in an open auditorium, already forming small groups. Natsu and the others also were there, with Ken and Natsu sitting together, while Buzz and Agil were seated behind them.

The speaker was a blue-haired young man, wearing armor reminiscent of medieval knight armor, a shield strapped to his back. Thanks to his confident demeanor soon everyone was focused on him.

"Thank you. First, my name is Diabel. I consider my job to be a knight."

His words caused others to laugh since unlike other games of the genre there was no class or job system in Sword Art Online. Seeing the tense atmosphere breaking up, Diabel continued to speak.

"I called this meeting in preparation for the first floor's boss battle. Yesterday my party found it in the central dungeon, scouted it out, and marked the location in the map."

Everyone began to talk to each other about this info. Aside from fighting a boss, which was not an easy task according to former beta testers, especially with the new rules, even finding them was a task in and of itself. One month after the opening, the trapped people needed the hope that the defeat of the first-floor boss would bring.

Diabel began to talk about the strategy they would need to use against the boss, Ilfang the Kobold King. They already know that, thanks to the information released by former beta testers, but it was nice to know the information was accurate. As the blue-haired knight was about to continue a loud voice spoke up.

"Wait! I wanna say something!"

The speaker stood at the top of the auditorium, looking down on the other players. He was a man around 30 years old, his armor was a mix of light and dark brown, he had orange hair, its form reminded Natsu of a cactus.

He jumped down, probably in an attempt to look cool, but he wasn't able to get down by one leap, so he clumsily had to correct himself with a few small jumps. He landed on the podium, next to Diabel and turned his black eyes on the gathered players. Natsu felt himself stiffen. A boy, who was bullied for most of his childhood needed to be able to recognize a potential bully. And that man was one, he was sure.

Clearing his throat the man began to speak.

"I'm Kibaou and I want to say something to the beta testers that surely are among us."

The reaction was instant. Diabel's face tightened and everyone began to look warily at each other. Ken tenses his body, hand resting on his sword, Agil gained a grave look and Buzz simply grunted in annoyance.

The hate against beta testers was nothing new. Without Kayaba Akihiko there to blame, a lot of people needed someone to blame who was there to let it out. They were just the most convenient target. Luckily not many knew about Buzz, so they weren't really harassed, yet.

"After the first day, the beta testers simply left behind the others, hogging the best farming grounds, not sharing information with us. They are directly responsible for the two thousand players who already died. Those here should stand before us on their knees begging for forgiveness, giving their gear and money to us."

As Kibaou finished his speech, a lot of people began to talk to each other. Alarmingly a lot of people began to agree with the orange-haired man, calling for the beta testers to answer to their crimes.

Natsu incensed, couldn't take this anymore. Disregarding Ken who tried to calm him down, he stood up, gaming the attention of nearby players. Unknowingly his wíwa gained an orange shade, making him look a little more mature.

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