Level 17 Assault

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Hey guys, Naintarlow checking in.

It was very close but it seems I was barely able to keep my one month update quota. Yay.

The assault on the Laughing Coffin base starts and boy this and the next few chapters will be a rollercoaster of emotions for one spiky-haired cinnamon roll. The trap had been sprung but who was the target of it in the first place?

Thank you all of you for all the support you have given this story so far, please tell me what you think of this chapter, I appreciate every and all feedback.

Please enjoy

We didn't have the time to plan, we only had the time to race into the caverns and hope we would make it in time. The raid team had needed us but it shouldn't have gone like this...


Soundless wind swept through the small, empty clearing on the 17th floor. No monster was in sight, the midday sun or at least it's virtual equivalent, shining above gave the place a peaceful, warm atmosphere.

The silence was broken as a single rabbit, with midnight black fur and green eyes hopped into the clearing, his long ears perked up, listening to the slightest noise by a possible predator. When it found nothing, the rabbit slightly claimed down, finding the sunniest spot in the clearing and setting down, closing its eyes in the hopes of a quick nap.

Just as it was finally able to relax, a large, tearing sound rang out in the clearing. In the middle of it, a large rectangular shaped light appeared that began growing until it became large enough to fit in several people standing side by side. The frightened rabbit stared at it for a moment, unsure of what to do but the moment the large object stopped growing, it took the most natural course of action and bolted away from the clearing, never looking back.

A moment later, a streak of light launched itself from the gate, like a comet, sailing through the clearing before it condensed itself to a person, particles of light falling from their form as they continued to run, uncaring of their surroundings. Following after them in a slightly more reserved pace were several other figures, trying to keep up with the first figure. Over all, there was around ten of the figures who suddenly appeared on this nameless clearing,, leaving behind a slowly fading portal.

"Asuna, wait!" Klein called back as he, along with Dynamn, tried to chase after the chestnut haired girl who was slowly leaving them behind. "It will serve no one if you charge straight into an ambush. Just slow down woman and let's go together." he shouted but his pleas went to deaf ears, causing him to grumble as he pushed his stats to the limit to keep up with the lightning fast fencer.

Both members of Fuurinkazan looked ragged and their gear obviously went through a lot. Next to them, Ken and Basil ran with a similarly tired appearance, worry clear on their faces. Biggs and Wedge were on their heels and at the back of the group, three relatively fresh-looking armored warriors from the Divine Dragon Alliance were following.

Asuna grit her teeth, not wanting to slow down for any reason but as the opening of a large cavern appeared in front of her as she exited the forest, she had to stop and wait for the others, her body tense like a coiled spring, ready to run at the slightest hint of an enemy.

The cavern before her was wide enough that around 10 people could stand next to each other and still able to enter with ease. The inside of the cavern was dark and gave off a foreboding feeling. It was the entrance to a cave-system that served as the hidden headquarters of Laughing Coffin.

Earlier today, a force of 40 frontliners were sent into here to raid this dungeon, capture any members of the red guild they encountered, with their final goal being the capture of PoH, the leader. Meanwhile, a larger force of cleaners tackled the 27th boss room, with a secondary group lying in wait to reinforce them when the attack they learned Laughing Coffin planned to launch on the exhausted raid party finally came.

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