20 -FACTS-

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I was nominated by WOFMaster18 to name 20 quick facts about me. THESE ARE REAL FACTS! So here I go!!

1. I'm Filipino/American

2. I have done three different martial arts in the past. Mix martial arts, Wushu (kung fu, chinese martial arts), And karate, right now i prefer doing wushu and Chinese martial arts. So that is what I'm sticking to forever.

3. I am learning Latin and Mandarin (Chinese)

4. I am in middle school.

5. I have a sister and a brother I'm the oldest.

6. I know these weapons...
Bow and arrow
Chain whip
Shield and broadsword
Straight sword
Staff (both Kung fu and Karate)
Paintball gun (is that considered a weapon? XD)
Sai (look it up if u don't know)
Kamas (look it up if u don't know)
Double sticks (yeah it's a weapon)
There is more I'm too lazy to name them all....

7. I snowboard

8. I can kick in mid air and land all the way down in splits

9. I can do a kick up

10. I'm Christian and I'm very proud of it.

11. I have a bunk bed with a stairs leading up instead of a ladder

12. I am dairy free. Only a little bit once in a while

13. I play basketball

14. I do piano

15. I can write cursive

16. I have a slot car race track and RC cars that I bring to a large dirt track to race with other people.

17. I was very fat as a baby

18. I'm taller than my mom

19. I can draw half of the world by memory (Tsunami_Holmes can...I think do THA WHOLE WORLD! ITS TRUE)

20. I memorized the U.S. State and capitals. South America states and capitals, Europe States, A little bit of Asia States. I don't know all of them but the most of main ones for Europe an Asia. But the U.S. and South America are easy.

There will be more!! Stay tuned!!
I nominate
Okay so first you can name just 20 quick facts about yourself. You don't have to if u want just something to do for fun!
I'm Signing OUT!

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