First Day Back - Part 1

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     The first day back. Over the Christmas break I've lost 2 stone. I am now a lot slimmer than I was. I used to weigh 10.5 stone (67kg) but now I weigh 8 stone(51kg) . I'm short around 5ft2, with long dark hair, large, brown eyes and straight, white teeth. I've never been ultra popular, nor have I ever been the nerdiest girl. I've always had a crush on the popular boy, who is in the year above me. Since the first time I came to the school, the first time I set eyes on him, I fell head over heals for him. Until he got a girlfriend, we used to flirt a lot. I loved it, I know it was only harmless but we both enjoyed it. Then he got into a relationship with my former friend. We were quite close at first but then we went our separate ways once we got into high school. I almost died when I heard he was dating her. 
     After this him and I rarely spoke, he spent all his time with her. Whenever I saw them together he'd stare straight at me, then kiss her or hug her. Finally, months later they split up. Ok that sounds harsh, but he never seemed happy until he saw someone look then he'd act happy with her. Now though he's the happiest he's ever been. He smiled at me, made conversation with me and even hugged me. It was like old times again. life was great.
      Until we went for summer holidays, in just six weeks we grew apart. He got another girlfriend and flaunted her infront of me at any chance he got. It was like he enjoyed making me suffer. 
             He's split up from her now.  He doesn't seem saddened by this at all. He has stopped speaking to me now. He just stares from a distance, almost like he's watching a film. He never tries to hide the facts he's staring, if I stare back he simply holds his gaze until he walks away like nothing has happened.
           The first day back, I walk through the school gates as normal. I've decided to act how I feel for once. Usually no matter what mood I'm in I'll always act as though Im the happiest thing on earth, so no ones sees I am really, just a weak, little, girl inside. However, this is all going to change. I've come back transformed physically and mentally. 
           As soon as I walk through the gates I am greeted by Jessica. Usually I am there to greet her straight off her bus, but this morning I arrived at school slightly later than usual. She greets  me with her usually warm smile then says, "Hey, Gabrielle!"
"Hi, Jess, how was your Christmas?" I reply sweetly.
"Yeah, yeah. It was good. So you'd never guess what! Jake is inviting a select few from our year, his year, and the year above his to his house party!"
"What do you mean? How do you know?" I reply very shocked. Jake is the boy I've fallen head over heals for.
 "Because, Josie told me, who got told by Steph, apparently she's been invited." She replies quickly.
"Oh, right ok. I'm going to find Freddie. I need to talk to him for a minute." I lied. I had to go before she asks if I was invited. I know she would have been I mean she stunning, nice figure, big boobed and all. So he would have definitely invited her, even if he didn't know her, he didn't need to. She would have said yes even if she'd never even seen him before.
"Gabrielle! Seriously? why are you bothering with Freddie, when you need to come with me to get an invite for me." she says angrily.
"Well I can't. What makes you think that I can get you an invite?" I complain.
"Well you're the one who knows him. And besides if you get an invite then you can take me as a plus one!" Jess whines.
       So I walk off in a mood. She follows along, still trying to convince me. I ignore her attempts at convincing me to get an invite to jakes stupid party, if he wants me to come then he'll make the effort to invite me won't he?
My thoughts were interrupted by me hitting something which felt like a brick wall. When I looked up at what I'd just walked into, I was met by the most astonishingly, green, amused eyes. The eyes of Jake. He smiled amused by my clumsiness.
"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry. I was in my own world, I didn't see you," I say blushing.
"Oh it's ok, Gabrielle. How was your Christmas break?" He says still grinning.
"It was great thank you, how was yours?" I lie. Again, that's becoming a habit.
"Mine was fine thanks. So...Um I'm having a party on Friday, and um I was wondering if you'd like to come?" He manages to stutter out.
"Oh, well..I....Um... Okay." I finally manage to say. His whole face lights up, with an amazing grin, making me smile.
"Great! So um the party starts at 9pm. If that's ok?" He says.
"Yeah sure." When we both turned to go our separate ways Jess suddenly says, "Could I c0me too?" In a seductive voice.
"oh...yeah... I suppose." He replies absent minded.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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