ꕤ drunk decisions ꕤ

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Snowflakes drift from the heavy clouds above, slowly covering the quidditch stands and the ground below in a perfect layer of white. At least, it would be perfect if dozens of students weren't trampling across the frozen grass and dirtying the beautiful snow with their muddy shoes.

The white powder is wiped carelessly from the bleachers as everyone clambers to find a good seat. Some try to gather enough snow to launch at their friends but soon give up as it melts instantly in their gloved hands.

The stands are a sea of blue and yellow today in support of the second quidditch game of the season between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. The houses playing are rooting for themselves of course, but the Slytherin and Gryffindor students have mixed opinions.

Remus, who doesn't care for the sport in the slightest, wears a yellow sweater in support of Hufflepuff solely because it's his younger sister's house.

Peter, who puts more effort into analyzing quidditch statistics than he puts into his own homework, is cheering for Ravenclaw so Gryffindor will still have a fighting chance at winning the quidditch cup.

Though Sirius is also aware of this, he has yellow paint smeared under both of his eyes in support of the badgers, stubbornly refusing to support any team Todd plays for.

There are only two people who haven't picked a side, causing them to stick out like sore thumbs, for even the professors are subtlety supporting one team or the other.

James, for the first time ever, is completely neutral to the game about to occur. He isn't cheering for either team, too busy hunched over and scribbling notes in a journal. It's not for homework, of course, but for his quidditch tactics. After their devastating loss against Slytherin weeks ago, he's been obsessed with revising and improving the team, even stooping so low as to gain intel on the other teams' tactics. Gryffindor's next game isn't until January, but if they face another loss, James very well may just drop out.

Emaline wears red, supporting neither team out of sheer spite.

The night before, whilst she and Todd had been discussing basic broom maneuvers - among doing other things - he hurt her feelings severely. He outright stated she had no true skills when it comes to the sport or else Gryffindor would have won their game, and to add further insult to the injury, suggested James only put her on the team because he's friends with her brother.

She had yelled at him, ranting about how good she plays and calling him names she wouldn't dare repeat in front of her mother. He said nothing as she yelled that she never wanted to see him again and stormed off, merely picking up his quill and continuing to write an essay for Transfiguration.

"So why don't you support Hufflepuff?" Cynthia asks as Emaline finishes relaying this information, having been asleep when she got back to their dorm last night.

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