Chapter One: Her Start

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In a superhuman society where eighty percent of the population have quirks, a supernatural ability or power, with the other twenty percent that are quirkless consisting mostly of the older generations. The few new generation kids that have this 'disability' are looked down on and mistreated.

Ella Callista is one of the few quirkless kids that make up less than ten percent of the population. She is a happy, outgoing, and intelligent person who sees the best in everyone no matter what they may have done. Unfortunately, no matter what she was like or could do Ella was subjugated to discrimination since she was announced quirkless at the age of four. Her mother loved her, yet there was always underlying pity in her eyes. No one believed she could be a hero like she dreamed to be since she was a young child, but that wasn't going to stop her. She made inventions and learned self-defence, pushing herself day in and day out to be better than she currently was and show everyone that it doesn't matter whether you have a quirk or not doesn't define your limits and personality.
At the young age of four Ella learned that the world is everything but fair to those who deserve it. She would come home in scuffed and dirty clothes with the occasional bruise or cut. When she was six the bullying got worse, so she learned to treat her wounds and bandage herself. She would walk on eggshells at home because she didn't want to worry and burden her mother. By the time she was eight she started building gadgets and trinkets she called her 'babies'. She was now a pretty quiet and reserved kid from having no friends and being forced to mature at such a young age, but she didn't really mind being alone. Ella also trained her muscles by doing simple workouts and fighting techniques.

Ella was now in her Third year of junior high at the age of 14, the bullying got worse, she was the top of her class. Nobody really paid her any mind, but she preferred it that way. "If I were to make shoes with retractable knives that would help take an opponent by surprise, but how would I detract and retract them without hurting someone on accident-" Ella mumbled to herself as she was walking up to the school. She was the first to arrive at her classroom as usual, so she sat down and started her blueprints for some 'babies' she was making. When her classmates started arriving she put her notes away and laid her head on the desk trying to become as small as possible in fleeting hopes of disappearing from her harsh reality. 'Can today be over yet' Ella naively hoped while the teacher announced "I was supposed to hand these out, but I know everyone wants to be a hero", He then proceeded to throw the papers while the class went wild and illegally used their quirks. "Doesn't Alianna and Ella want to go to Miracle Heights High School?" Mr. Barnum asked.

After classes she was cornered by Alianna Tinley and her goons for her daily beating. Ella and Alianna or Alli as she calls her use to be really close and wanted to be a hero duo, but when Ella was declared quirkless Alli felt betrayed and turned into one of her worst tomenters. Alianna didn't like the idea of Ella going to the same hero school as her. " Stupid dork isn't supposed to go to a hero school you should know your place, inadequate floozy," seethed Aliannna. "B-b-but I-I hav-have just as m-m-much right t-to try out for th-that school a-as yo-you d-d-do." Ella trembled. "If you really want to be a hero there's a fast way to do it. Take a swan dive off the roof and hope for a quirk in your next life," Alianna maliciously said while burning Ella's arm and torso with her explosive quirk.
'You can't just tell people to kill themselves, what if I actually did. Then she would basically be a villain for instigating a suicide-! not that she isn't already-' Ella's rant was cut off mid sentence when she noticed she was in front of her apartment complex. Walking into her empty one bedroom apartment she took her shoes off and sighed. 'Today has been a long day' she idly thought while starting her essay that was assigned for homework. When she started her work she couldn't help how her mind drifted to other things. 'I wonder what the Miracle Heights entrance exam will incorporate, I need to work on my weapon training and study for the written portion.' Snapping out of her daze she realized her work was done and she needed to make food. "What can I make, there's eggs, milk, fruit.... ah here we can make eggs and rice I guess," she softly spoke to herself. Taking the rice and eggs out she set them aside to grab the pans and cooking spray, "let's get to work!" she giggled out. Spraying the pan she set the rice inside to start cooking, then cracked three eggs in a bowl and broke the yoke before adding it to the rice. Once her magnificent food was done she ate in peaceful silence enjoying the comfortable silence that settled over the small room. She finished her food and put her plate in the sink numbly thinking 'I'll have to do dishes tomorrow' before heading to her room to turn in for the night.

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