Chapter Two: The Results

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She ran out of the school after detention in hopes of making it to work on time. Rushing down the street trying not to bump people too harshly as she just barely makes it to Latte Neko Cafe on time for her shift. Thanking whatever god is out there she puts her apron on, grabs her notepad and starts taking orders after steadying her breathing. She walked around the tables taking orders and making sure the customers were enjoying their food as well as feeling comfortable. She started making her way to the back room to give the orders to Mila so she could start on the food while Ella makes the drinks. Tearing off the order sheets and giving them to Mila she started blending Ice and grinding coffee beans for the drinks while thinking about how close the entrance exams for Miracle Heights are considering they only have three weeks of school left. Coming out of her thoughts she noticed that she had been moving on autopilot and the drinks were done, so she brought the orders to their specific tables and waited for the food to finish.

Hanging up her apron and washing her hands she bid goodbye to Mila and started walking home when she heard what sounded like whimpering. Walking closer to the sound she saw a violet and spotted emerald green Ragdoll kitten that looks to be malnourished and sick. Deciding she doesnt want to leave the poor animal in the cold Ella slowly approached the kitten while putting her open faced palm about three inches away from the visibly frightened animal and sat on the ground. Knowing this might take a while she slowly took a piece of bread from the bag of leftovers Mila had given her to take home. After taking a bite of the bread she tore a piece off and set it down in front of what seemed to be a female kitten and continued eating in a peaceful silence. Watching the small animal take a hold of the bread and dragging it a good distance from Ella the kitten then continued to eat with a fast pace as if she was never going to eat food again. The kitten finished eating and Ella froze in place as the small animal made its way to her still outstretched palm and nuzzled it. Carefully petting the fragile animal she stroked its head a few times before picking the kitten up and walking the short distance to her house trying her hardest not to injure the kitten that she will be taking care of for the foreseeable future. After about five minutes Ella was in front of her apartment and took the keys out of her pocket unlocking the door. Once inside she set the confirmed female kitten down and made her way to the kitchen looking for milk as the kitten seemed to be about two months old. Finding the milk and pouring it into a bowl she set it down on the ground in front of the animal watching as she lapped up milk. Ella waited until the kitten was done before pickling her up and walking over to her kitchen sink. Turning on the warm water she set the kitty down in the basin of the sink and started washing off what could now be seen as dirt on her coat. Taking the soap Ella poured some on the palm of her hand and massaged the liquid into the feline's coat while untangling knots on the kittens fur. Slowly the kittens fur becomes a lavender purple with a light green overtone, a mild contrast to the darker colors the fur had from the dim light of the alley and dirt. Rinsing the small feline off with little hassle she managed to dry the kitten's coat and think of what the feline's name should be. Thinking through possible name choices she sat thinking for a while before she stumbled across one she liked. How does Pandemonium sound for your name? Ella questioned the cat. With a meow of acknowledgement the kitten was now dubbed Pandemonium or a shorter version of Moni. Deciding that was enough work for the time being she headed off to her room Pandemonium not far behind. Changing out of her work clothes she laid down on her bed with the kitten laying sprawled out on her stomach. Ella closed her eyes and felt the peaceful release of sleep welcoming the darkness. She finally felt the fatigue from today's events and promptly passed out.

Waking up as a blaring noise was heard right next to her she blearily reached for her phone alarm and shut it off. Attempting to pull the covers off of her, Ella found pandemonium sleeping on her chest. Not wanting to wake the feline, but needing to get ready before she fell back asleep she carefully moved the cat to the side of her bed next to the wall and got up. Alertness finally setting in, she got dressed in her school attire and headed to the kitchen. Grabbing the apartment keys and locking the house she made her way to the pet store hoping to find everything she needed. Walking towards the busier part of town she pulled her hood up and walked a little faster in hopes of missing the morning rush.

Looking through the aisles of the small shop Ella found a bag of cat food best suited for kittens and a black collar to compliment her fur color. She was currently trying to find a tag to put her kittens name on, yet she couldnt see an aisle where they sold name tags. On a mission she scoured the store until she finally found her desired product. Walking through the last aisle of the store she found a tag that resembled a hazard warning sign and decided that it best suited the feline and chaos they would bring together. Bringing the tag to be engraved she waited until it was done and paid for her items then left the store in a hurry, so she could make it back home with enough time to feed pandemonium before she had to rush to the hell-hole she called school.

Speed walking through her front door Ella made a beeline for the kitchen with her bags in hand. She grabbed a large bowl out of her cabinet and poured some of the cat food she bought in it. Finishing that she went into her bedroom with the collar and tag in hand finding Pandemonium awake on the bed. Ella picked Moni up and pulled the collar over her head while walking back towards the kitchen and setting Pandemonium near her food bowl. Double checking to make sure she started eating I walked past her food towards the front door preparing for the torment that is bound to happen at school.Speed walking through her front door Ella made a beeline for the kitchen with her bags in hand. She grabbed a large bowl out of her cabinet and poured some of the cat food she bought in it. Finishing that she went into her bedroom with the collar and tag in hand finding Pandemonium awake on the bed. Ella picked Moni up and pulled the collar over her head while walking back towards the kitchen and setting Pandemonium near her food bowl. Double checking to make sure she started eating Ella walked past her food towards the front door preparing for the torment that is bound to happen at school. Turning the handle of the dark oak door she took a deep breath before stepping out into the busy sidewalk and speed walked to her school.

Listening to the loud chatter of her classmates she drew in her notebook craving the ring of the bell. As if her thoughts had been read the final bell rang and she was out of the door in the blink of an eye. Rushing past the school gate she sprinted to her apartment to start her invention for the support course entrance exam in a week. She had a good idea of what she was going to make for the exams, but she wanted to test out all the kinks of the working mechanics before it was time to turn the project in.

Putting her bag down and taking off her shoes Ella looked around the apartment for pandemonium. Walking through the kitchen towards the small living room she sees the ragdoll kitten sleeping on the white couch by the window. Deciding not to disturb her, Ella makes her way to the kitchen and pours some food in pandemoniums bowl before making rice and pork to eat before starting her night of endless work(s23 wc5544).

Setting her bowl in the sink she sauntered over to her desk, sitting in her chair and starting the blueprints for long lasting contact lenses with heat sensors, night vision, and analysis that can be brought up through her brainwaves. This invention would hopefully be her ticket into her dream school.

While Ella was busy working on the invention Pandemonium woke up and was wandering the apartment. Most cats like to sleep a lot, but Moni was not like most cats. She loved to wander and cause chaos and mischief. She found herself in front of the open cupboard that had baking supplies in it. Walking farther in the cupboard Pandemonium found herself in front of the flour. Staring the bag down she approached it and jumped inside the small bag. Finding herself coated in the powdery substance she jumped out of the bag tipping it over in the process.

Hearing a commotion coming from the kitchen Ella grabs apiece of metal off her desk thinking someone could have broken in. Creeping into the kitchen Ella sighs in relief as she sees that it was only her new companion causing all the noise. Walking over to her troublesome cat Ella picks Pandemonium up and walks over to the decently sized bathroom. Setting the small animal down Ella treks over to the mess the kitten left in the kitchen. Finding the bag of flour torn and the countertops covered in the powder Ella sighs in exasperation hoping to finish this fast so she can finish working on the design of her innovation. Working fast Ella grabs the trashcan and unceremoniously scoops the flour off the countertop making sure not to spill any on the floor.


Yours Sincerely


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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