01「separate flights」

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"Hm?" You say, turning your head with raised eyebrows. Although you recognize the voice, it is unexpected. You were facing the door to your dorm, and had only gotten to insert your key into the lock before you heard the voice.

"Good afternoon," your boyfriend says, coming into view as you turn your whole body around.

"Oh! Good afternoon." You respond, giving him a light smile. "I thought you would be busy during lunchtime."

"Yes, I wanted to get some practice in," he responds, and your smile remains. It is not a surprising remark to you at all, but you now wonder what brought him to meet you here.

"I was thinking that it might be nice for us to have lunch together instead," he continues.

"Oh?" You respond, trying to hide the creeping look of surprise on your face as soon as you feel it. You quickly realize your attempt to do so might be useless, as your utterance probably told him everything he needed to know.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't ask if you had plans already. Do you have plans already?"

"Oh- no plans. Let me just put away my things and I'll come back out. Will that be alright, Wakatoshi-san?"

"That's fine. I'll wait." He responds, and acting on it, he steps closer to the wall and stares down the hallway; he shoves his hands into his pockets. Based on his silence, it seems as if the conversation is over.

"Okay," you say at last, and a subtle sigh leaves your lips. You turn your attention once again to the door, your fingers still clasped around your key. The door unlocks with a flick of your wrist, and you open it to prepare for lunch with your boyfriend.

You turn around to shut the door slowly, and you notice him meet your eyes. You make sure to shoot him a smile through the narrowing crack, and just before the door shuts completely, you watch the corners of his lips marginally curl upwards.

"Lunch with Wakatoshi-kun," you quietly say to yourself, palming the door and resting your forehead on it. You can't help but smile behind the closed door. You rationalize it by thinking that you had done your best to conceal your emotions with him in the open, so your outward display now is deserved.

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