\ the hotel /

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I was sitting on the bench, staring into the distance. I turned to the side and shrieked. Foolish was standing there, looking into my soul. I groaned, "I swear to fucking god."

Foolish ran off, leaving me angry and confused. I continued talking to myself, changing the subject, "I want to build a hotel... but I can't fucking build. Wait... Sam- he built the prison! He could help me! Yes, yes, yes, hotel here we come!"

My new goal was to make a hotel. I had wanted to build a hotel since the beginning of L'manberg but I never could. I walked away from the bench, to find Sam. I walked around, looking for him. He was behind Punz's pumpkins, working on a plot of land. I called to him, "Sammmm, Sammy Boyyyy!!"

He looked over at me as I ran towards him, "Hello?"

"Do you go by Shlog?" I asked when I got to him.

He held in his laughter, "By what? No, I don't go by that."

I nodded, "I have an idea."

Sam hammered a nail into some oak logs, "Did you know that I also have an idea? I'm building a bank!"

"Bank rhymes with a swear word. Wank. You know what doesn't rhyme with a swear word? Hotel." I said, pacing back and forth.

"What?" Sam looked at me weirdly.

"Come with me." I stated.

We both threw our tridents up and navigated through the sky, to the Prime Path. I spoke, "Yesterday, I realized that you're a really good builder."

Sam smiled, proudly, "Thank you!"

"And I want to, maybe, use your ability to make a hotel, for an exchange of goods."

"Well... you could 'exchange goods' if you had a bank."

I nodded, "Yes, but I would like to hire you."

He paused, "You want to hire me?"

We stopped at an empty plot of land in front of Skeppy and Bad's mansion. I exhaled deeply, "Look next to this path. This is above Dream's old house. I want to build a hotel here. How much would that cost me to hire you?"

"You want to hire me to build you a hotel?" Sam asked, processing everything.

"Yes. Also, why do I get mining fatigue when I stand here?" I asked, punching the air slowly. The wind held my hand back from actually using any power.

Sam stood next to me and lifted an eyebrow, "Oh, it reaches all the way over here? It does! It's because of the prison."

"Could you sort that out?" I said, tilting my head.

"Yeah, I will. I just have to move one of those guys in there." Sam answered, talking about the guardians from the prison.

"Alright... so how much do I have to pay you?"

"Well how big do you want the hotel to be?"

I got distracted by a poster of the stupid red egg, "What is that!? I see it everywhere!"

"You don't know about the egg thing? There's this whole thing with an egg going on, it's really creepy. The egg spreads, that's why the whole town is infected with those red vine things. It's really freaking me out, I don't like it. They've been trying to get me to have a sleepover with it or something, I don't know." he explained.

"That's just weird."

"Ok so how big do you want the hotel to be?"

I showed him a layout of everything and he nodded, "How about 32 diamonds?"

"Oh, yeah! And you'll make it a good hotel, right?"

"Yeah, proper hotel... but also, this land is just horrific. And there's all those buildings in the sky, and there's creeper holes." Sam said, looking at the damaged plot.

"I'll sort it out, it's fine! You're so picky."

Sam shrugged, "32 diamonds, right?"

"Yeah, I'll get you the diamonds."

"What do you want to be made out of?"

I thought for a second, "Stone bricks, red concrete, and oak logs. Oh and quartz."

"Wait, quartz!?" Sam said, raising his voice. Quartz is very hard to get.

"You'll be fine, have fun!" I smiled, walking away.

Sam stuttered, "Uh... ok!"

I decided to go to Techno's house, to find the diamonds for Sam. I walked along the undisturbed snow, listening to the howling wind around me. I saw the house in the distance and I ran to it. I barged inside and plopped down on the ground. Philza walked around the corner and stared down at me.

I smiled, "Do you happen to have 32 diamonds spare?"

"Where'd all your shit go? I thought you had all that netherite." Phil said, putting his coat on a hanger.

"Don't assume what I have, Philip." I grumbled, crossing my arms.

He chuckled. I shrugged, "So do you have diamonds for me?"

"I heard that you stole from Techno." Phil said, lifting an eyebrow. His wings stretched out, casting a shadow over my face.

"Ooo, maybe I could get some more things from him." I replied, standing up.

"No, get away from this house, you little thief." he said, shaking his head.

I sighed, "Phil, I want to build a hotel, and I need diamonds."

I looked outside and noticed that my cobblestone tower was gone. I pointed out the window, "Hey, where'd my tower go?"

"Oh, I tore that thing down." Phil said, leaning on the wall.

"Now you owe me something, so give me diamonds."

"I'm just thinking about what's in it for me. I mean, everything that I've heard about you recently was that you betrayed Techno, you were stealing from Techno... I don't know, you're not really-"

I cut him off, "Phil, Phil?"

He huffed, "What?"

"I'm getting better! I'm becoming a better man! It would just be so kind of you to help me with this." I begged, looking into his bright green eyes.

"Ok. Something tells me that you have the Axe of Peace?"

I shook my head, "Wrong." That was a lie, I did have the axe.

Phil and I got a 'call' from Sam. Apparently there was a new guy in town and we needed to show him around. So, we left Techno's house and we ventured off.


april 7th, 2021, 4:00pm

i had OSTs today and it sucked, but its fine. schools ending soon and im moving so thats why i havent been writing anything. hope this was alright.

bye! <3

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