Into The City

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Despite him having fallen asleep relatively early in the evening, Ares had slept through the rest of the day and into the next. For a while Levi was concerned, had he gotten sick or something? His worrying ended when 7am had come around and the boy had woken up, perfectly fine. Though now there was another issue at hand.

"Just get in there!" Levi demanded, clicking the training device as he attempted to push the boy through the doorway.

Ares held his ground, refusing to enter the bathroom where the shower was.

Levi finally let go and stood back, he needed to calm himself.

"Tch...this is ridiculous." The older of the two argued, pulling out his phone. He pressed a few buttons and it rang three times before Dr. Loren answered.

"Yeah what the hell do I do about this kid refusing showers? I won't have a filthy dog in my house." He snapped as he used Ares' "hound" title as leverage.

The woman on the other end laughed hysterically.

"Oh so you've got jokes now? This isn't funny." He sneered.

"Relax, geez." She laughed again. "You just need to assert yourself as dominant. But if you must, flip your clicker over and threaten him with the shock feature. We've only ever used it once, but it won't injure him."

The man felt kind of guilty, Ares appeared mostly human after all, aside from his cat like pupils. It was a bit of a twist considering his kind were called "hounds".

"Also..." She was quieter this time. "I hate to do this...but, he is a dangerous weapon if he's not controlled."

"Thats obvious..."

The woman huffed in irritation. "Just listen. Every Hound underwent psychiatric training as well, or a kind of brainwashing if you will. Essentially, there's a safety switch with these creatures. It was developed as as way to regain control if they ever turned on us. If you use the term, "I command thee, like the lotus, emerge from the dark." he will do as you say, no matter what it is. The only way to reset him after this command is to have him sleep it off. It's a kind of hypnosis."

The man sighed as he took a weary step back. "That seems a bit dramatic but Alright."

"Look this is highly classified and I really shouldn't have told you. But because you are, in fact, his handler, you need to know. It could be dangerous. He will follow your exact orders if you use this switch. Meaning he would even murder someone if you told him to. He really is a wild animal that we have simply tamed. Please, be careful but show him love and compassion as well."

"Okay okay but for now can you try to tell him to take a shower? I dont have time to figure this out we have a meeting to go to and he needs to get tagged."

Levi was tired of this battle, but he was beginning to wonder if he was the right match for this person. If he was as dangerous as the scientists said, he could be in over his head.

"Alright hand him the phone." The woman said, Levi breathed in relief and stretched his arm out, handing the phone to Ares. Levi watched as the boy awkwardly put the phone to his ear.

His handler couldn't hear what was being said but he watched in confusion as Ares' entire demeanor changed. The boy stiffened as she spoke on the other line, he seemed to grit his teeth but remained silent as he listened. He set his jaw in annoyance and gave a small nod.


He then, rather jarringly, blinked in slight fear as his eyes widened and he sucked in a timid breath.

"Y-Yes ma'am!" He said instead as if correcting his last response. Nervous, the Hound handed the phone back to Levi.

The man watched as the kid began to strip, not caring that he was there. As the Hound climbed into the shower Levi raised a brow.

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