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"Shit!" Levi hissed as he tucked his phone back into his pocket. Armed men came pouring out of the building, many of them dropping dead shortly after. Levi couldn't tell where the shots were coming from, but one thing was obvious...they were after Ares. The gunshots sounded off without a break, men screamed and shouted, sirens wailed, this was chaos.

"Ares, stand down." Levi attempted sternly, but the boy was in full battle mode.

The same wild grin that graced his young face only grew. His eyes were wide with glee. Levi shivered. This kid was raised not only to be ruthless in battle, but to crave it. Suddenly his phone rang and he fumbled it out of his breast pocket. The bullets were still flying, and he was sure that had it not been for the car he'd have been filled with holes by now. He brought the phone to his ear and attempted to hear what was being said.

"Huh? No! I can't get him to a safe place! If we move we're dead!"

"Well if you don't move you're gonna die anyway! Get out of there! Do NOT let 3170 fall into enemy hands! Kill him if you must!" The voice bellowed on the other line. A weight like lead sank into Levi's gut. Kill him? He'd forgotten just how much of a national security issue Ares was.

"Permission to act freely!" Levi shouted over the bullet storm. Ares began to laugh in pure ecstasy as he sat there listening to the attack.

The man placed his phone back into his pocket once more and flinched as a bullet came rocketing through the metal of the car, grazing his left shoulder. He winced in excruciating pain as he ducked down. The officers around them battled the unknown enemy. Men in bulletproof gear, automatic guns, and full face masks began to approach the car. The Italian looked around at the fallen officers, this was bad. A few of them were still fighting back, but they were forced to hide behind the building pillars and behind vehicles.

The only ones who knew of Ares existence were top personnel sworn to secrecy...which meant there was a rat lurking somewhere within their circle. Levi needed to get his Hound out of there, he couldn't trust anyone at present.

The man scooted closer to Ares and looked him in the eye.

"Ares..." He began. The boy looked down from the sky he'd been gazing at while enjoying the sweet chaotic sounds that surrounded them. He looked more alive than ever. "Listen...if we don't get out of here, they're going to kill me and kidnap you. I can't let that happen." He paused for a moment and peeked up through the windows of the car. The terrorists were approaching. In a final decisive moment, Levi began to undo all of Ares' restraints, including removing his muzzle. The boy adopted a surprised and inquisitive expression. "Your orders, are to get you and I out of here...alive. Understood? Do whatever you need to do to make that happen."

The boy lowered his head and for a moment Levi could have sworn his emerald green eyes glowed excitedly.

"Sir." The boy responded. In that instant, the kid sat up on his feet, still crouching down. Levi watched as the teen then, almost inhumanly, launched himself up and onto the rooftop of the car. His handler peeked through the windows and watched as absolute carnage ensued.

Faster than what seemed possible, the Egyptian dashed around, utterly destroying anyone in his way. He rushed a man, ducked down as the guy pulled the trigger and unleashed a barrage of bullets, Ares then robbed a dagger from the man's pant leg and thrust it into his throat, dropping him instantly.

The boy grabbed the rifle and spun around as if dancing, pulling the trigger only when men came into view, nine of them dropped dead within moments. The Hound skipped almost childishly to each corpse, stealing the daggers they'd carried into battle and sending them flying like ninja weapons into the attackers who were left. He even launched one straight up into a drone that had been flying lowly overhead.

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