The end of all things

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Aiden's POV

"Aiden wake up" Tyler groans out, holding out the n on my name. I roll over and look up at him, immidiately being blinded by the sun peeking through the window. "What Tyler" I mutter, laying my head back down. "Get up, that is if you want a surprise from Adam" he chuckles before turning and leaving the room. I sigh and lean up in my bed, stretching. I look around my room, feeling suddenly sleepy again. I quickly shake my head and slap either sides of my cheeks. 'C'mon get up' my mind yelled, causing my legs to swing out of the bed and force me to stand up.

I walk over to my closet and throw on a simple long sleeve Fall Out Boy shirt with jeans and my white converse. I quickly apply a little bit of makeup and brush through my already straight hair. Once finishing, I leave my room. I could tell that Ty and Adam were having a pretty important discussion in the living room. I tiptoe down the hallway, hoping I can be as quiet as possible and hear their conversation. The closer I came to them the more intensful their voices sounded.

"Are you sure you don't want Tyler and I going just to be there for back up? Now with not only Dawn and her mother but her dad also, you might want it. Especially for what you said to him after Aiden ran off' Ty whispered. My head peeked around the corner as I watched Adam pace back and forth with his hands on his head. "I just want this to be perfect Ty. Do you honestly think you two should be there just in case?" Adam questioned, stopping and looking at Ty. Ty nods with a agreeable face. "I honestly do. Better safe than sorry right?" he replies as Adam nods.

I slowly walk into the room, making their heads shoot up at me. I fake a yawn and stretch, trying to look like I just rolled out of bed not that long ago. "Goodmorning" Adam chuckles out, crossing over to me. "So why did I have to get up this early?" I question, looking up at him. "It's a surprise" he whispers, kissing my forehead lightly. I blush as Adam takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen where a huge feast of breakfast items lay. "Wow.... how long did it take you to make this?" I question, looking at the gianormous food quantity in awe.

"Not too long but it doesn't matter. I felt like cooking" he replies with a smile. Ty wanders in with Tyler following close behind. "Dang Adam you need a life" Tyler laughs, looking at the food. Adam shakes his head while the rest of us laugh at the joke. "Come on. You guys are going to be late if we keep talking about the food instead of devouring it" Ty says, rubbing his face lightly. I nod, passing each of the guys a plate.

After we finished stuffing our faces, I took my dishes to the sink before going out to the dock. Adam is still eating so it's a good time to just think and not have to worry about anything. My feet lead me closer and closer to the dock while my mind, for once, stayed quiet. I slowly sink to the ground, watching the waves slide across the shore. Only four more days till I can leave this dreaded place.

Without realizing, I hum a tune that seemed very familiar. "That's a great song by them" Tyler says from behind me, sitting next to me. "My body is starting to remember the things my mind can't.." I mutter, a smile spreading across my face like wildfire. "Don't worry about your memories, I think they will come back soon" he replies, looking at me. I smile and nod, looking at the grass. "What song was I humming to?" I question, wrapping my fingers around a piece of grass before pulling. "The end of all things by Panic! At the Disco" he whispered as the lyrics popped into my head.

"Whether near or far, I am always yours. Any change in time, we are young again. Lay us down....... We're in love. Lay us down....... We're in love" I sang, smiling bigger. "That song meant so much to me after I moved... I prayed every night someone like that would come into my life and not leave. Someone who no matter what happened would love me so much that if I passed, they would want to go into the ground with me. They would miss me so much that they would tell the grave digger to lay us both down because our love was strong enough to survive through death" I smile before continuing. "And... I think I found that relationship..". "R-really?" Adam whispers, making me jump and look at him. I smile, nodding.

Adam rushes up to me, picking me up then hugging me tightly. "You ready?" he questions as I nod, smiling big. He spins me in a small circle before setting me down. I take his hand, walking with him towards the house. "Have fun love birds!" Ty called while we walked through the house to the front door. I blushed at his comment but continued to walk to the car. "After you" Adam says, opening my door for me. I smile and thank him, sliding in. He closes the door behind me, rushing to his side and hopping in. Adam pulled out of the driveway whilst my eyes traced along the objects outside of the car.

We drove for a little bit before something catches my eye. I look over at a neon sign that 2 boys with black and red hair were holding. It read, "We love you Aiden!". My eyes glance over at Adam at confusion but a smile is the only thing that speaks back to me. "Wha?-" I start but immidiately am cut off. "You'll understand soon" Adam says, taking my hand in his, continuing to drive. Where was he taking me? What was he planning?

A Forgotten MemoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon