More things to add :D

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See through ceiling in the dorm.

Other houses can go to each other's dorms.

If you hate vegetables script that they taste a certain way for you.

I brighten up when excited.

I can always find Room of Requirement anytime easily.

I can write with a quill easily.

There is a hidden room that no one knows about expect me and Dumbledore.

My dorm is a desired temperature when I sleep.

I have a actual phone at Hogwarts and you can use it like I do now.

I have a record play with all the songs I like.

I can think of a good comeback when someone tried to roast or insult me.

Different houses won't hate Slytherin and get along.

I won't have random mind blanks during exams.

I can fly.

There is no sexism, racism, colorism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.

I can run as far and as fast as you want, without running out of breath/getting sore.

Curses, jinxes, hexes or any negative-inducing spells won't work on me.

Every single house gets along with each other.

I can apparate/disapparate easily without any damages.

I can remember every person's name and birthday and other things easily and won't forget them.

Every Professor likes me even Professor Snape.

I won't get drunk or I have a high alcohol tolerance.

I have no social anxiety (anything of that sort.)

I can talk to animals.

I can cry anything with ease (for ACTING.)

Flowers grow wherever I walk.

I have wings that I can hide.

I won't get addicted to intoxicating things or drugs.

Moaning Myrtle is comfortable with you, and might also tell other peoples secret if she is close enough.

Everyone has a soft spot for em.

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