Chapter Ten

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"So tata, ulapha for how long?" I asked as I put on the fire.

"A month I think,"

"Oh, and here I thought you're back for good,"

"I'm not mntanam, I needed to go through a couple of things with your mom in person, and then do umcimbi for your sister then wrap up a couple of loose ends in a few businesses that I have cast an interest in while I was living abroad,"
"After all of that you go back to the US?" I asked.

"Maybe, there's a project I'm hoping to start in East London but all will depend on the outcomes with my meetings this side."

Mh, he sounded like was back in the country for good but he didn't want to put it like that. I decided to not ask any further. Grandad came through with Sim, she was chirpy and excited. I just looked at her and shook my head...

Grandad: Siyambonga?
Me: Tamkhulu?

I went to him, he had Undi on his shoulders and dad was laughing.

Grandad: Heh Mfondini, your sister has a boyfriend. Did you know that?

Me: Nam tamkhulu ndine girlfriend, did you know that?

Grandad: Une girlfriend? Since when? Why am I the last person to find out about these things?
Me: But tamkhulu, we are old enough.

Grandad: Just know my daughter is too young to be a grandmother.

Me: I'm also too young to be a father, rest assured I'm not in a hurry.

Grandad: Does your girlfriend feel the same way?
Me: I don't really know, but if you must know, we are not sexually active. Yet!

He looked at me and froze, I laughed at him.

Grandad: I used to think your mother is the most honest person I've ever come across, yey you're worse!

Me: But grandad, you asked, I just answered.

Grandad: Some children don't answer these questions Junior.

Me: I know, but I'm not them. And anyway, how will it benefit me to lie to you kodwa umama knows the truth? We both know she's going to tell you anyway.

We laughed and joined dad, Sim and Musa made salads.

I was just glad Musa wasn't baking, she had an obsession with cupcakes and tarts. I know she learned the skill from grandma – Miyola – way back, but sometimes it was just irritating.

Me: So grandad, when are you introducing us to your new female friend?

Grandad: Female friend?

Dad: Hayi Siya!

Undi laughed, I ignored dad and just cornered grandad.

Me: Ewe tamkhulu, the lady who cooks for you, does your laundry, and never visits when we're at your place.

Grandad: I don't know what you're talking about.

Me: Hehe! Okay tamkhulu!

Undi: Kodwa simbonile thina that day leaving your house yazi tamkhulu.

Me: Tell him wena Pumpkin, and we will see her again. You know grandad it would be easier for everyone if you could just bring her, so we can introduce ourselves properly.

Undi: And ask her questions.

Grandad: What questions?
Undi: Like why she never comes to your house when we're there, but always leaves her cookies in my jar.

Grandad: That is not your jar, it's mine and it's in my house.

Undi: No tamkhulu it is mine, yours is in Musa's bedroom filled with marbles.

Me: Mh, so wena tamkhulu you are admitting that you know what we're talking about? Okay.

Dad laughed and went to check on the girls, Undi ran after him.



After spending thirty minutes in my room, I decided to go back to the lounge, just to check up on the lady. She was on the phone with someone, I lifted up her legs and sat with her, putting them back on my lap then waited until she was done.

Me: Are you not hungry?
Sibo: I've eaten already.

Me: Oh, utye wedwa?
Sibo: You didn't mention that you're hungry kaloku, and uvele wandishiya apha.

Me: I was giving you space.

Sibo: For an hour?
Me: It was 30 minutes babe.

Sibo: Ok'salayo!

I kissed her hand, ok'salayo leaving her alone for 30 minutes felt like an hour!

Obviously, I wanted us to address the Larissa issue. I didn't want her to think there was anything going on there, because there wasn't.

Me: Earlier on, I saw that you were upset when Larissa hugged me.

Sibo: You mean when she threw herself at you?
Me: If that's how you saw it, yes.

Sibo: Baby, that's how it was. She threw herself at you excitedly so, and then when you introduced me, she gave me a weird look. Like I wasn't supposed to be there.

Me: Okay... I am sorry for that.

Sibo: you're going to apologize for her?
Me: No, I'm apologizing for the way you felt. I cannot apologize for someone else's doing, you're my priority and how you feel matters to me.

She didn't respond...

Me: Baby?
Sibo: It's okay, I'm over it.

Me: Are you sure?

Sibo: I am sure, I didn't like it but I'm over it.

I moved closer so I could kiss her, she looked deep into my eyes right after the kiss and I could tell there was a question lingering in the air. But knowing her, she wasn't going to ask tu.

Me: I love you, only you.

Sibo: I know, but thank you for reminding me...

Me: So when do you think you will be ready to marry me?
Sibo: You want to get married? U sure?
Me: You don't want to?
Sibo: There's really nothing special about marriage, I was once married too and I got burnt. Remember?
Me: You weren't married to me, but yes I do remember.

She sighed...

Me: What are you most scared of?

Sibo: Can I warm your food instead of having this old conversation?
Me: Baby, what are you scared of?
Sibo: Everything.

Me: I am not your ex, I know you thought he'd probably be your first and your last but I can't really be punished for his mistakes.

Sibo: I know that, but you do not understand. Why do we need to be married when we can actually be a family, as we are ngoku?

I chuckled...

Sibo: You could bring your daughter azohlala nawe, or we could all live together under one roof sibe yi family without tying the knot. The pressure is really unnecessary.

Me: Mmh...

What else was I supposed to say?
She didn't want to get married, and there was nothing I could do to convince her.

At that very moment.

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