Several Thousand Stories

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I walk around, broken glass crunching under my feet.

The dark walls of the castle rise all around me like formidable giants

They’re all around me, too:

Little girls with bonnets and moues,

Gentlemen with canes and cigars,

Stable boys finally free of their duties,

Women in silk slips and tiaras with smiles holding back hurricanes.

I meet every one of them, never exchanging a single word yet hearing their complete stories:

Stories of family found in the most unexpected places,

Daggers thrown from the most trusted directions,

Gold found, previously buried under a thousand maggots;

Stealing lives, intoxicated by jealousy,

Smashing bottles and hearts made of glass,

Dressing wounds with kind words and bandaging them with pure promises,

Finding a soul the same shade as yours long after the search had been abandoned;

Stories of love taken, and love given, and love cherished, and love manipulated.

They tell me about the several thousand stories that can be lived in one lifetime.

And as I pass from ghost to ghost,

My steps become slower,

The ground drifts further away,

Until I no longer walk.

With the last story told, my feet leave the ground forever,

My body has been shed somewhere behind, forgotten forever. 

I am free. I am weightless. I am more alive than I ever was during my life.

I wrote this the day before my add maths exam so now even if I get a bad grade I'll be comforted by knowing that I at least wrote a good poem before it. The playlist attached is the one I was listening to while I wrote this. It helped. Have a great day/night/whatever!

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