Nervous Tick

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There's one thing the Campers found out about Percy Jackson, the only Demigod (Half-human) Son of Poseidon.

He'd gained a nervous tick.

Nothing unusual for a Demigod as their life is anything but peaceful, tranquil, calm, or any other synonyms an Athena kid could state at the drop of the question. Considering Percy's age and his identity as a Demigod who had trials and prophecies following him around like lost puppies, it would've been a lot stranger had he not.

It was quite easy to know when he was nervous even if they were anywhere in camp and not infront of him. The first camper to realise it was Nico, Son of Hades.
One time after he had shadow traveled into Camp he had a hard time finding his balance even if it wasn't from exhausting himself.
He looked up and saw Percy sitting on top of Thalia's Tree. He remembered that they'd have a game of Capture the Flag against the Hunters of Artemis that evening and Percy was in charge of planning their teams strategy as Annabeth was urged to visit her mortal family by Chiron. 🤷🏻‍♀️

So it was Thalia and Artemis VS Percy's plan. And they all knew how that'd end for him (or any other plan made by a Demigod).

It was a life lesson for every new camper:

1) Make a plan,
2) Expect the plan to go terribly wrong,
3) Wing the Hell out of it.

(4th: never replace Hell from Step 3 with Tartarus!!)

The next instance was an argument between him and the Demeter Cabin, surprisingly. They'd argued about blue food not being better than normal food (BIG MISTAKE). Percy was forced to explain why the quality of food increased if it was BLUE. It almost ended with flooded strawberry fields and a buried Demeter Cabin, literally.

The final reveal was when Percy proposed to Annabeth, ignoring a fuming Athena advice the clouds. Leave it to brave and stupid Persassy to piss off a god/-dess again. As he went on one knee the ground shook with tremors that seemingly increased in strength and frequency the longer Percy spoke and when he finally asked the "-will you marry me?"-question it was a 5.3 Earthquake across the entire CHB!!

Thankfully, or not, Poseidon came to see the irregularity himself along with Aphrodite, who was squealing much like the rest of her children including Piper ("it was cute, ok?!") as well as Hermes and Apollo who wanted to see some drama go down.

Annabeth had accepted and from the quakes fallen into Percy's embracing arms.
With her back to his chest he shakily but still firmly slid the ring onto her finger.
Then they kissed and the Earthquakes exponentially stopped.By then every present Creature, Demigod or God, knew:  It was Percy.

He had a nervous tick; when he shook from nervousness, stress or anxiety he caused small tremors or entire earthquakes.
He was said to be the strongest Demigod in existence so it only stood to reason that he and his tick were both cute, annoying and helpful if not slightly dangerous at the same time.

Cute because it made him seem like a normal human and his fatal flaw of Loyalty (which made him always hide his fear to seem like a reliant leader) give the opportunity to understand his emotional and mental health (something the Apollo Cabin, Apollo himself, Hestia and Poseidon were thankful for... though 2 Gods wondered if Poseidon could have or develop a similar tick. They decided to test it by involving suspicious -slightly underhanded- means later).

Annoying because it even happened at night, due to Nightmares, which for Demigods is like Dyonisus asking for Wine-- too fucking often!! It also interfered with training depending on the scale of the quake and eating.

Helpful simply because it made  finding Percy a lot easier.
He was the Epicenter/ eye of the storm. Annabeth was thankful since he randomly disappeared at times and now there was at least a clue with which at least Poseidon could track him even if his memory was erased again. Training too, it helped them have a better sense of balance even if it wasn't intentional.

Dangerous -if not obvious by the previously stated- because he had no control over when it happened and couldn't 'shut it off' unless he calmed down first = Enemies/ Monsters/ Angry Gods and Godesses could now find him just as easily when he was (emotionally) weak. Hence why the rest of the Seven, Nico, Will, Hestia or sometimes even Grover, Thalia, Chiron and/ or Rachel kept a lookout for him.

This caused Percy to feel babyied by the entire camp, even if he was -well you know his titles- one of the oldest Demigods at Camp for Zeus' and the Fates sake !!

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