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                                                                     Kokichi pov

At the sleepover

Where's shuichi? I asked idk. *Ding dong* sorry I'm late. It's ok so now we're here what should we play. I saw miu whispering with rantaro . then they said truth or dare. Ok.

kokichi-Miu t or d

miu- d

kokichi- I dare you to show us your best robot

miu-ok she went home then showed us K1-B0

me and rantaro was amazed but I saw shuichi not amused

then I saw miu whispering with rantaro again the they asked shuichi t or d he said d well I dare you to play 7 min in heaven with kokichi. His face was red then he said fine the they push me and shuichi in the closet .

shuichi pov

so what do you want to do (hiding the fact that he is nervous being in here) after 7 quiet minutes they left. It late I'm going to sleep said rentaro. Yeah night they all said besides shuichi. when they slept I was thinking how I confess my love to kokichi. Then I fell asleep. 

                                  word 178

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