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sorry for not uploading

when they were saving kokichi
kokichi: god can you guys hurryyyyy
miu: shut it dipsh*t we have to follow this sh*t
me: damn that hurts
shuichi: why am I the villain?
me: follow the script shuichi follow the script
shuichi: but
me: shut
                                           kokichi and miu
kokichi: just hurry
miu: f*ck no dumba$$
kokichi: wh*re
miu: h-huh(I haven't watched danganropna in a long time)
miu: well f*ck you
                                           rantaro, hajime, and nagato
 rantaro: so this is your bf
hajime: I- no
nagito: I thought you loved me
hajime: I-
rantaro: hmm
hajime: he is
Me: can we continue the goddamn script

                      when they finished
                   me: there you can relax
                   thanks for the 1.1k view
                I'll try posting a lot I'm in summer 

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