(CH 1) Is This Love?

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         It was an average day for Robert, till he had school which made him even more grumpy but he mostly hated school because he thought it was pathetic to go to a place that taught you things he thought he didn't need to know. Once Robert got his new schedule he looked at his classes but before he read anything he heard boys heading to class talking about a Jimmy Page bloke. That made Robert wonder even more who this Jimmy Page person was. Robert looking back at his schedule noticed he had Literature first. Robert started going down the hallways to his Literature class and started wondering things about this Jimmy Page guy. He wondered things like **Has he really never been in any of my classes last year and the years before? He's this popular even though I've never seen him before?** He wondered even more till he got into his class. He sat down in his class and didn't even bother to look who was in his class because he thought it was going to be the same old people he's hated. Robert decided to look around to see who was in his class and landed eyes on a boy who had dark, long, curly hair. Robert stared at him more till he jumped from his mate George. "Oi! helloooo?" George said waving his hand at Robert. "Oh h- hi! hello!" Robert said still recovering from the scare he got, "WHAT HAVE YE BEEN DOIN, IVE SAT HERE TALKIN TO YA FOR ALMOST 4 MINUTES MATE!!!!" George screamed at him causing the boy Robert stared at to look at both of them. "Uh sleeping from how boring your stories are" Robert said in a joking tone. "Right yeah well if that Jimmy Page bloke wasn't in here I think you would actually be interested in something" George said in an annoyed tone. Robert sat there thinking to himself **Wait t- that's the Jimmy Page boy himself?**

The rest of the class was torture to Robert, he wanted to leave and head back home but he didn't want to do that because he was in heaven just from staring at Jimmy. He thought to himself again staring at Jimmy still thinking **He's so adorable and hot, I wish he was mine. Wait did I just say that!? I'm not a queer...am I?** Robert got sent back to reality after someone slapped Robert in the face. "Ow!!! What the fuck was that for" Robert said already getting angry. "You were staring at me for what feels like a bloody hour!" Someone said. Robert did not recognize that voice and thought it was adorable, he looked to his right and saw the boy, Jimmy Page. "Why are you next to me?" Robert said embarrassed "While you were in heaven, the teacher made us groups for some stupid project and I'm stuck with you idiot" Jimmy said annoyed. "Ah well what are we making this project on?" Robert said while putting his chin on his hand. "You weren't listening at all, were you" Jimmy said while looking at George. Robert noticed that and looked at George, watching him draw his favorite guitars on a piece of paper "Yeah no...no I wasn't listening at all" Robert said in a sad tone. "Jesus Plant, when I heard about you I didn't think you were this bad at paying attention" Jimmy said angrily. Robert blushed once Jimmy said Plant but he thought about hiding his face because of how much he blushed thinking it was noticeable. "Alright listen for once k? For this project we can study and work on it at your house on Saturday, got it?" Jimmy said loud and clearly to Robert "W- why- finee" Robert said not feeling too good about it.

Love Really Is Special (Robert Plant X Jimmy Page) Where stories live. Discover now