Episode 6: Viva la resistance

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Gary: Previously on "Final Space," Gary journeys to Inner Space to see the titan, Bolo, who's been asleep for 10,000 years. While there, Gary's father tells him to go to Earth to find the last anti-matter bomb. With it, they can close Final Space. Let's hope there's still time. Hey! Is that mustache Gary? It sure is. While I finally know where the anti-matter bomb is, we went back to an unknown planet and discover the truth and tell him as he was ready for the final day and end the A.I.'s that were suffering from Saviour Kip.

The scene opens up with Gary floating in space.

Gary: And that's... how our story ends... I'm sorry we fail to stay together...

H.U.E.: Gary. The cookies will be done in one minute.

Gary: Oh, good. I'm extremely excited... for these cookies. I'm scared, H.U.E.

H.U.E.: I know, Gary.

Gary: You'll stay with me till the end?

H.U.E.: Till the very end.

Gary: Thank you, H.U.E. And Linkin... I'm sorry we fail to stick together with everyone we loved for...

H.U.E.: It is not your fault.

Gary: I know... that will be my last sentence for Linkin Alpha. And thank you again, H.U.E.

H.U.E.: It's been an honor to be your friend.


In Galaxy One ship.

Quinn: E.M.P. cannon is all set. Just removing some parts and added the main core to the canon. We prepare for a surprise to end that killing robot.

Gary: Yeah.

Linkin: Gary, I had some questions...

Gary: Yeah?

Linkin: ...Will we ever stay together as a team till the very end?

Gary looked at him as he had the answers.

Gary: Oh we will. I promised. Just like how I promise your uncle.

Linkin: Yeah.

Little Cato: Gary, what were your father's exact instructions?

Gary then looks back at Little Cato.

Gary: He said, "Get the Anti-Matter bomb and close the breach."

Quinn: Did he say where on Earth the bomb is?

Gary: In New York. The one on Earth.

Quinn: That's a really big place.

Linkin: And once we get to them, we'll expose the truth of Avotech, the one who supports Lord Commander, and the involvement with Infinity Guard since Superior knows about the Alpha-

Quinn: Since he gets involved with it.

Linkin: Yeah, that or know footage about them they work with.

H.U.E.: Gary, I might be able to help. I have found this in your father's files.

Then he plays the files of John Goodspeed.

John Goodspeed (Recordings): Log 2845B ... Captain John Goodspeed. Big day. Took forever, but we finally got there.

Then he shows the camera of the Anti-Matter bomb as the case opens up revealing it.

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