joe-before you meet

299 3 0

hollie 17

in my town there's not that many fit lads let me get that clear, if they are fit they already have a girlfriend or are just visting
it's kinda sad really

but there is one who stands out
currently yh he has a girlfriend but omg look at him, he's talk with blonde hair which normally looks cute and messy

his names joe snowball and i'm fully crushing over this guy and what makes him even better is he actually has a sense of humour

the thing is right now he has a girlfriend and to say the least she hates me, she's a class a bitch, i mean she looks decent but she has UGLY INSIDES

she always used to bully me for no reason and give me stank eye especially when we where in year 11 she used to give me them all the time and she made me feel so low abo myself and she DOESNT DESERVE JOE i just have to show him what she's really like.....

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