Me Feel Bad

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i feel bad about pausing it so i will do both i am still a student so one week i will update this the next week i will update the red hood story 

1st period 1st chap

2nd period 2nd chap

3rd period 3rd chap

and the same with 4 - 6 

Hiruzen P.O.V

2 hours before Naruto wakes up

as I walk into the council room all the councilors instantly shut up I yell "hello as you know the Hyuga heir was kidnapped Naruto Uzumaki found her and saved her he got his eyes cut out in the process" all the civilian council started cheering and laughing Hiashi got angry and yelled "shut up he saved my daughter and any attack against Naruto will be a attack against the Hyuga clan we have lined up a donor for his eyes everyone in the clan has agreed to adopt him so you will all shut up."

everyone was shocked everyone always thought that Hiashi was a cold and unforgiving man but adopting a child that was shocking Hiruzen then says "now listen i am going to protect Naruto so I am changing the law any attempt to harm Naruto will be killed meeting adjourned" 

Fire capital

Kushina P.O.V

i was training Mito and Narumi when all of a sudden there 6 year old body's collapsed on there hands and knees as they clutched there stomach the Kyūbi cloak went out of them and shot off in the direction of Konoha after a couple seconds it stopped and they fell over I ran over and looked at the seals the seals were gone I picked them up and ran them inside I sent a letter to Hiruzen and he responded saying come in a week something happened

1 week later 

Naruto P.O.V

its been a week and i got my new eyes when I got them something happened they turned on jiji suspects because of the Kyūbi I talked to Kurama and he said the same thing he doesn't want me to tell anyone except for jiji about him being nice and not evil they will not suspect you this way he says i have a awesome life I live with my crush I am great at the gentle fist I was trained before everyone else because I asked jiji and he said I could join the academy early jiji explained my dad and mother he even gave me a picture i am still hurt from her abandoning me but i am over it.

after training with the Hyuga i awakened the chakra chains one of the older branch members got mad at how good i was and went for a strike to my heart my chains flung out and grabbed him and threw him 

now after a day of training i was sitting on a branch on my favorite tree next to the front gat i like to watch the travelers come and go when i see a regal carriage stop at the gates as someone steps out i narrow my eyes as out steps my old mother with my sisters following behind them as she sees me she sneers she then says "Mito Narumi see that boy beat him up he looked at me evilly" she laughs as the gate guards try to stop them but she laughs and waves them off

my sisters step towards me and say "how dare you look at the Uzumaki clan head like that for that you will be punished" they then run towards me and throw sloppy and untrained punches at me i dodge and look at my ex mother as i form the handseals to activate the byakugan as there done the veins around my eyes bulge out i turn back ignoring the shocked expression i then yell 8 trigrams 64 palms i then do that to the girls 32 for each they fall to the ground then hiashi and his guard drop down with him he looks at Kushina with disgust then touches Naruto's shoulder as he disappears in a shunshin 

Kushina P.O.V

after the demon showed me his byakugan i looked in horror as i realized if he has the byakugan he has the hyuga's in his corner he calls out 8 trigrams 64 palms he hits them 32 times each he then shunshines away with hiashi i pick up my 6 year old daughters and rush to hokage tower and open the door i yell "look what the demon did to my daughters i request he be executed immediately" "oh Uzumaki san i know exactly what happened you sent your daughters to attack him" 

I know i said he was 4 but i changed it to six i don't want to do a 2 year time skip and have to explain everything

3rd P.O.V

now what did you want Uzumaki-san well what do you want Hiruzen said well what happened is i was training my daughter's and all of a sudden they passed out and the Kyūbi's chakra leaked out it then shot to Konoha i want to know what happened when i checked there levels it was gone the Kyūbi chakra was gone" Kushina says "i can answer that" said Naruto i called it back to the body using this he says as he reaches to his arm he unwraps the bandages to show a tattoo "this is what I used Ex Mother you know i know everything about dad about you about the Kyūbi the reason i was able to save Hinata 2 times is the Kyūbi he helped me now he used the little bit of chakra in his body to help me and put this on me so when I used it it summoned his chakra back to him he needed his chakra and i needed not to die so he did that" "demon Kushina says he is talking to the Kyūbi demon" "goodbye Uzumaki san" *Naruto then explains about Kurama being nice to Hiruzen*

2 hours later 

jiraiya P.O.V 

i crawl in my sensei's window as i say hi Hiruzen then says come on in jiraiya i then see a picture of Naruto with his seal exposed something intrigues me i look at it and i say "mind if i take this i want to look at the seal on Naruto's stomach" "sure take it I have copy's" "thanks" i then leave and sit outside the front gates as i look at the seal on his stomach my eyes bulge out this seal is the strongest seal known to man it could hold anything i use my jutsu picture: zoom jutsu i then rush off to the fire capital to see Kushina 

2 hours later 

Kushina P.O.V

I am cooking dinner when jiraiya walks in the door i  run to him and give him a hug he then says Kushina i have a seal I need you to look at he then walks to the island and lays a picture down i look at it and then stop dinner and look at it more closely it takes an hour i had to take notes then jiraiya says "what do you think the limitations of this seal is?" "nothing this could hold all 9 Biju and still have more if only this was Naruto's seal i would have my baby boy" Kushina sighs "Kushina this is Naruto's seal i took a picture of it off Hiruzen's desk" i fall to my knees and start tearing up "my baby boy i have left my baby there oh no oh no oh no"

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