Chapter 4:Class 1-A

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A couple days later, it was finally the first day of school. You were kinda nervous but mostly excited. You couldn't wait to see who you'd be in a class with. You looked at the board which says the class your in, and what floor you can find that class. You kept on searching for your name. All of a sudden you hear this friendly voice coming from behind you say that you were in class 1-A. You turned around and saw that it was Midoriya who was talking to you. He continued on by saying that you guys were in the same class in a happy voice. You both walked to class together. You walked in the class, and heard Bakugou's obnoxiously loud voice inside the class. You were so disappointed and upset that you had to be in the same class as Bakugou. Bakugou turned around, saw you, and started giggling. He came up to you and said with a cocky tone "wow you actually made it into this school,what a surprise," then he continued laughing. You got pissed and was about to use your power on him but Aizawa,your teacher, walked in and you didn't want to make a bad impression of yourself. So you took a seat, and kept calm. Mr.Aizawa introduced himself and said he was gonna be your new teacher. He wanted everyone to one by one come up in front of the class and introduce themselves.
Finally there was one last person to introduce themselves, Bakugou. He started by saying his name, then his quirk, and he looked at you for a second and smirked, he looked so cocky then. You felt like you wanted to choke him. But then you imagined all these scenarios with Bakugou, and started to blush. You felt super flustered, to the point where your heart was beating faster and faster by the second. You didn't want to think you liked him, and you wouldn't admit it. You looked at Bakugou, and he was staring at you giggling about to burst into laughter. Then you said to yourself that you definitely didn't have a thing for him. You started to get embarrassed, and wanted to escape from reality. Before you knew it the school day was over. Mr.Aizawa told everyone to leave his class because he wanted to take a nap and school was over. You left campus and finally went back home.

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