That was unexpected

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Lets continue, shall we?

Blossom's POV:

"Wait! There's something we want to discuss with you girls!" I heard Brick shout from behind. I turn around to see the RRB's looking a bit uncertain of something.

"What?" I asked.

"Well..." Brick started, "Boomer you say it."

"ME!? B-but why not Butch?"

"Because your the most innocent out of all of us. Plus Butch might add something stupid." Brick replied.

"I would not!"

"Boomer begin." Brick said, giving a slight bow.

"... Well, um..." Boomer started.

"SPIT IT OUT ALREADY!!" I snapped.

"We-were-actually-thinking-about-becoming-heroes-with-you-guys-but-were-too-nervous-to-ask-because-we-aren't-used-to-being-really-good-or-just-good-period-and-" He began.

"Woah, buddy, slow ya roll." Buttercup interrupted. She said something after that but I wasn't listening. So many thoughts were going on through my head. Am I dreaming? This can't be real. All of my dreams and nightmares are becoming reality. What should I do? What do I say?

My thoughts were cut off by someone touching my right arm. To my surprise it was Brick. I don't know why I'm surprised but I am.

"Blossom are you okay? You haven't said anything about the matter." Brick asked. All of a sudden I started to feel light headed. Everything blurred and I blacked out.

Bubbles's POV:

I was just watching everything not knowing what to say or do. Then I saw Blossom faint, and Brick caught her. She probably fainted because of the news. I wasn't too worried but I still was worried. I tapped Buttercup on the shoulder.

"What? Can't you see I'm currently fussing at Butch?" she said, clearly annoyed. I ignored her and pointed towards Blossom and Brick.

"What the heck happened?!" she said walking to Brick.

"I don't know. I just asked if she was fine and... THIS happened!" he said.

"She... fainted." I answered his unasked question, "You should put her down on a bed or something comfortable."

A few hours later she woke up. "Wha-"

"It wasn't a dream and you fainted." I interrupted. Then Blossom groans disappointingly. Everyone left because I asked them to nicely.


"I wanna stay and make sure she wakes up" said Buttercup.

"I do too." said Butch.

"Same here, I wanna know if she's okay with us being... the 'G' word." Brick said.

"I do as well." Boomer said.

"NO." Buttercup began, "No former villains allowed. Right Bubs?"


"Ha!" Brick said.

"No one's allowed inside but me." I said in a serious tone.

"But-" everyone but me said.

"Only I can enter, got it?" I said in a very demonic voice. Everyone nodded.

"Yay!" I said cheerfully.

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