Chapter 5

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A/N: sowwy if I make mistakes. 🥺  Don't correct me it's embarrassing. 😅

"Can I have some water?" Lenny asked. He was extremely thirsty. 

"Sure, I'll get it for you!" Dex said, bringing him a glass of ice cold water. 

Lenny gulped it down and then wiped his mouth. "So, let's track my dad! " Lenny was actually excited because he loved journeys. Especially with Bellah. 

Dex held up his finger, disappeared into his room, then came out again 10 minutes later. "So, I made a GPS to track Fi-I mean your dad. Let's seeeee...." Dex clicked on some buttons, then a screen appeared.

"COOL!!!!" Bellah squealed. 

Dex laughed. "I know, I know, I'm a professor at making these. Anyways, hmmm...yeah....yup...mhm!" 

"Well? WHERE IS HE?" Lenny asked impatiently. He really wanted to get on with his adventure. There was no time for "hmmms." 

"Imma go," Noelle interrupted, leaving. "Good luck guys." 

"Bye!" Bellah and Lenny waved. Then they almost immediately turned back to Dex. "WELL?" They said at the same time.  Lenny and Bellah looked at each other, and then looked back at Dex. "HELLOOO?" They said at the same time again. 

Dex smirked. "OK, well he's like 15 miles away from here. Not that far, huh?" 

Lenny's jaw dropped. "FIFTEEN MILES?!!?!??! That's a lot for walking!" 

"Guess we should pack a lot more," Bellah shrugged. 

"Yeah, I'll give you guys some supplies," Dex said, getting up to give them more supplies.


"Ready?" Lenny asked Bellah. 

"Ready." Bellah firmly replied. 

A/N: I'm soooo sorryyy for the short chapter just that im worried for something personal :(. Bye. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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