Chapter 3

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Lenny decided to show his mom about Fitz and him. But it would have to be at dinner, so if it gets awkward, and his mom is a little disappointed, then he will tell her that he had to poop. Or something. 

At Dinner

"Mom?" Lenny breathed. His stomach was doing flip flops. 

Sophie smiled at Lenny. "Not yet, Lenny. Your dad (Keefe) is preparing dinner, so let's wait until he's finished, okay?" 

Lenny frowned at the word "dad". "You mean stepdad?" 

Sophie looked at Lenny disapprovingly. "Len, Keefe (Lenny calls him Keefe, since y'know. He's not his real dad) is still your dad since I married him, and please don't bring up the subject of stepdad again," Sophie warned. 

"But Keefe is my stepdad! And yes, he's my dad, but-" 

"Keefe, are you ready? I am starving!" Sophie interrupted. She put her fingers to her lips and motioned for Lenny to zip his mouth. 

Lenny sighed. It wasn't the right time to show his mom the photo of him and Fitz. "It's not fair. I can talk about anything I want," He mumbled under his breath. 

Keefe came over to the dining room, grinning ear to ear. "Dinner's ready!" 

As Lenny munched on his meal, he thought about his real dad. What's he doing right now? Is he single?  Was he sad?  "Mom? May I be excused?" Lenny asked. 

Sophie glanced at him suspiciously. "Yes, you may. Are you sure you don't want to eat more? Your dad-*ahem*-worked hard to prepare this," 

Lenny shook his head. "I'm not hungry," Which wasn't exactly true, but Lenny didn't like Keefe. He might've, when he was a baby, sure. But now that he was 11 years old, Lenny wanted to go find Fitz again. His real dad. 

Lennan Sencen Vacker: Son of Sokeefe & SofitzWhere stories live. Discover now