Moon 98 || April 3, 2021

55 5 57

DriftClan Stats

Season: Green-leaf | [3/3]
Weather: Sunny
Event: None


Prey: 18
Herbs: 61
Sticks: 14
Berries: 0
Border Strength: 13/20


Cats: 29
Leader: 1
Deputy: 1
Medicine Cats: 5
Warriors: 18
Apprentices: 4
Kits: 0
Pets: 5


Leader's Den: 1 (1/1)
Medicine Den: 2 (6/10)
Warriors' Den: 3 (19/30)
Apprentices' Den: 1 (4/10)
Nursery: 1 (0/5)

🐾 Clan News 🐾

Yewsun was healed and is now healthy!

Ashwisp was healed twice and is now healthy!

Whitestar made a rule! Commands that break it won't be answers unless it is mentioned that the rule is being broken in them.
"No one may search for pets until the clan is stable."

Whitestar has a reminder! (not a rule)
"Be sure to hunt and patrol. You can train and look for pets, but be sure to train the loyalty so they don't attack cats if you get one. If you don't hunt or patrol, the rule will go back up."

Blackpelt is being temporarily controlled by twilightbreeze-!

Sprucepool, Topazgem, and Ashwisp are paused until another player is found for them! [-1 Existence]

Group 1 Stats

Season: New-leaf | [3/3]
Weather: Sunny
Event: None


Prey: 0
Herbs: 3
Sticks: 5
Berries: 0
Border Strength: 0/20


Cats: 1
Pets: 1


Dens: N/A

🐾 Group 1 News 🐾

Mistcloud wasn't healed and is now injured! [-2 Energy]

Mistcloud, Mimi, and Nagoot are sleep deprived! [-1 Energy]

Mistcloud is hungry! [No Effect]

Mistcloud, Nagoot, and Mimi escaped! The direction they travel in can be decided in the Group 1 Discussion Chain or in DMs.

The group is currently on DriftClan territory. Move quickly or face potential attack.

🐾 Clan Cats 🐾

⭐️ Whitestar | PrincessSunnyy
Fluffy white tom with yellow eyes
Hunting Skill: 5
Fighting Skill: 5
Gathering Skill: 5
Base Energy: 3
Lives: 3

⭐️ Claypool | Silverwind_of_MC
Chocolate brown tom with a lighter brown belly and face with blue eyes
Hunting Skill: 5
Fighting Skill: 5
Gathering Skill: 5
Base Energy: 3

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