July 4, 2014

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Dear diary,
Today was wonderful! I had so much fun, mom made such a good breakfast, and school was amazing! We didn't do any work today, we got to color flags and I drew some fireworks. After school I went home and dad had a surprise waiting for us. It was a HUGE firework he bought for us to light off at night, I was so excited. Kaleb just turned 16 so dad told him he was old enough to light the firework, that seemed to cheer him up cause he was looking sad. Then it was getting dark and other fireworks all around us started going off, dad and Kaleb lit our big one and ran back to the house. It had so many pretty colors and was really loud, I loved it. I wish every day could be like today!

Diary of FrancisTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang