Madam Mayor

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Emma Swan was good at her job. She tracked down people who didn't want to be found for many different reasons, her job had taken her into many different states to find people and had been contacted different ways. But the letter she had received asking her to go to a town called Storbrooke in Maine felt different and she couldn't explain why. She re-read the letter again to see if the feeling of anxiety would go away

"Dear miss Swan,

there is someone that has been missing for 10 years and I need them tracking down. I would prefer to give you the details and explanation face to face. Please meet me at Granny's diner, Storybrooke, Maine, at 4pm on the 15th

Yours, Henry"

She had gotten the letter yesterday morning and wasn't to meet this Henry for another two days but she had never heard of Storybrooke and decided she'd head off early to make sure she didn't get lost. She hated meeting someone late, especially when it was for work. So she packed a few clothes and set off in her little yellow bug.

The anxiety still stayed with her no matter what she did to distract herself, although there wasn't much she could do whilst driving. She had never felt this before going to meet a new client and she had met some shady people in her time. She tried to forget about the letter and concentrate on driving. After all she wouldn't need to see Henry for a few days.

After driving for hours with a few rest stops, she turned down a long, thin road with Forrest on either side. She knew she was getting close to Storybrooke but couldn't understand why a town would be all the way out in the Forrest. She finally passed the sign welcoming her to the town.

Finally arriving in the large town she drove around first looking for a B&B she could stay in over night, if not she'd just sleep in the bug but she'd prefer a comfortable bed before meeting her client. She spotted Granny's diner as she was driving and just round the corner was Granny's B&B. She parked up outside and went in to book a room.

The place looked old and unused, although she supposed that being this far out in the middle of nowhere you didn't really get many visitors arriving. Emma spoke to the kind elderly lady and booked a room for a few nights as she may only be in town to get the details. The person she would be looking for could be anywhere if they'd been missing so long.

She took her few items upstairs to her room and decided to have a shower before heading out to look round the town. She had her shower and dried her hair before getting changed into her favourite red leather jacket, white vest top, skinny jeans and boots and headed out. She rounded the corner, glancing at the diner. She wanted to check the rest of the town before she met Henry tomorrow. She walked around for a while just marvelling at the idillic town, few people were on the streets at the moment. It was 5pm but the towns clock tower had frozen at quarter past 8.

She found a small pub away from the town centre called The rabbit hole. Emma smiled slightly to herself at the irony of the name of the pub and town. She walked in and headed straight to the bar. It was a little dark inside but she didn't mind. She had seen plenty worse places to drink in.

She sat down and ordered herself a beer. She decided she liked this out of the way town. It was isolated yet had a beauty of its own and the people seemed friendly enough. After a few more drinks the door opened and a short haired woman walked in. She could have sat anywhere in the pub really as there weren't too many people in at this time of day but she walked right up to Emma and sat down next to her.

Glancing out the corner of her eye she looked the woman up and down. She had a short bob of dark brown hair, and plump bright red lips that she couldn't help but stare at. The brunette suddenly turned to Emma with a small smirk on her lips at catching the blonde staring.

"Hello. I'm Regina mills, I'm the mayor of Storybrooke" she said with a small smile. "I don't believe I have seen you around before"

"Urm n-no you haven't" the blonde stuttered. Even though she had only just met her, Emma felt instantly attracted to this beautiful brown eyed woman. "I'm Emma. Emma Swan. I'm only going to be in town for a few days" she smiled and shook the hand Regina held out.

Emma cast another look over Regina, she was wearing a dark grey power suit that hugged her in all the right places, but Emma couldn't help to stare at the woman's chest. It looked like the Mayor had stopped buttoning her shirt up half way and was showing plenty of cleavage. Emma coughed slightly and looked away, causing Regina to look at the slightly blushing woman with a raised eyebrow.

The two kept up conversation with some small talk and a few drinks. Emma learned that Regina didn't usually visit places like this but had needed to get a rest as her son had been acting withdrawn for the past few days. Regina had left him with her friend Sydney glass.

After a while Emma decided to challenge the Mayor to a game of pool and the loser would buy the next round. They were both enjoying each others company, they each had checked the other out when they thought they weren't looking. Emma never really noticed Regina looking at her but Emma had been caught a few times which caused the Mayor to smirk a little at Emma's reddening face.

Being the one who suggested it, Emma broke and the game continued from there. Both potting balls but Regina was doing better than Emma even though they were both pretty tipsy. At one point, Regina had leaned over the table to take her shot and her top hung away from her body, Emma's jaw dropped slightly as she could see right down the Mayors top. It was definatly something worth seeing. She hasn't noticed that Regina was looking at her from her position with a smile playing on those red lips. Emma bit her lip and looked away. It was her turn now.

She leaned over as Regina slowly walked around the table and dissapeared frome Emma's view. Just as she was about to take her shot she felt someone squeeze her butt cheek. Yelping slightly in surprise, she missed her shot. She spun round to see Regina smirking.

"Oops sorry dear. The way you're going, it looks like you'll be buying the drinks" Regina winked at Emma and took her next shot.

The game continued and as Regina had said, the blonde lost. Emma sighed in defeat and went to get her money from her jacket which was on the back of her seat, but Regina put her hand on her arm to stop her.

"How about we continue this somewhere a bit more private. What would the townspeople think if they saw their Mayor staggering drunk out of the pub hmm?"

"I suppose you're right" Emma replied with a drunken smile "where shall we go? I have a room at Granny's B&B?"

"No dear. We shall go back to mine, its more private and I have no close neighbours" she winked suggestively.

That had butterflies playing in Emma's stomach. "Sounds good to me Madam Mayor"

They both grabbed their jackets and headed out. It had gotten darker now. Regina smiled to herself as she saw the blonde slightly staggering. She looped her arm with Emma's to help her walk. The brunette wondered whether this was a bad idea. Although she remembered that the blonde would only be in town for a few days so what's the worst that could come if something happened between the two?

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