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Shouta didn't particularly enjoy killing people. It didn't bother him too much, but it wasn't like he got some weird kick out of it or something. He hadn't even planned to do this for long, but then he had this friend that had been doing contract kills, but he was being really stupid abou it. So of course he got arrested, but the amounts of money he had made with that? It was pretty insane.

So Shouta had decided to try it, too. He wasn't in the best place, he had to admit that. But he had managed to get away with it a good few times, before taking a break. He had enough money for a lifetime and he didn't want to get ahead of himself and become careless. So he stopped for about a year or two.

And then he was getting kind of bored. He had considered working a normal job, like 9-to-5 in an office or something. He had even applied, but all of those jobs required a background check and while Shouta wasn't really sure whether a background check on him would turn up anything at all, he wasn't about to go and find out. Hell, no. He was already bored out in the real world, how much worse would prison be? So then he got into contract killing again, this time only taking out the people he thought were actually terrible. It wasn't perfect, but his conscience was a little lighter.

But if he was honest, killing only terrible people was disillusioning, because... there were just so many straight up horrible people in the world. With no redeeming qualities at all. Shouta was kind of shocked at first, but then again... He was disappointed, but not surprised, if he was honest.

Well, either way. At least, he wasn't bored anymore. Maybe something would happen one day and he'd get a normal job, but when he saw Y/N and how stressed she was all the time, he really doubted that a regular job was for him. Y/N had a very high tolerance for bullshit, and he... well, he didn't.

He didn't even know why he still had roommates. He couldn't stand most other people. He had kicked almost all of his other roommates out, because they were just way too annoying. There was only one guy that moved out of his own accord. He was annoying as fuck, but somehow Shouta had been able to tolerate him. He had even taken a bit of a liking to him, which was weird.

Maybe he just liked a certain kind of person, although he hadn't quite figured out what that kind of person was. There was definitely something to be said about them being very relaxed about the fact that he had killed a lot of people. Not that he told every roommate, but the ones that had lived with him long enough knew. And those were only Hizashi Yamada, his old roommate, and Y/N.

Shouta sighed and finished cleaning off the last bit of the crime scene. The whole cleanup was always so annoying. He needed to make sure nothing was left. No body, no DNA, no hair, no useful fingerprints, no fluids. Nothing at all. It was the most tedious process in the world and probably the one thing that annoyed him about this job. Oh, and having to come up with creative ways to get rid of a body. It was getting difficult to think of things that weren't going to be too messy.

The problem with getting rid of a body was being seen in odd places where there wouldn't normally be any people. Like the way Shouta was at a river that would be leading into the sea in a few kilometres. During the day a lot of people were around the place, but right now it was only the night shift workers in the port that might be seeing him. At least that didn't make it suspicious that he was carrying a massive bag around with him. Anyway, he had to get rid of that quickly, so the body would be carried out to sea before it was discovered. Once it was there, it would take ages until it was found and then it might not even be identifiable anymore.

Shouta looked around the place and he couldn't see anyone watching. He had made sure that there were no cameras in this specific spot. He quickly threw the body bag with the corpse in it into the river. Time to go and burn his clothes next, before he left anymore traces. Shouta sighed and made his way along the path that wasn't surveyed by cameras at all (or rather only minimally).

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