why are you reading this

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Oh boy...SMG4 forgive me for the sins I am about to perform.

It was 6PM, Tuesday. Late March, 2021. It was a pleasant day, the sun shining down upon the people of the mushroom kingdom as it began to sink beneath the horizon. And within the Spletzer residence, lay War Meggy herself. She was lying in bed upstairs, dressed in only her ragged shirt and underwear, snoring but restless. She was tumbling around in her sleep, muttering and moaning, her cheeks a flushed red.

"Mmm..." she whined, pawing at the sheets and at herself, "Enrique...ooooh, Enrique," she grinned, "MMM. Such a gentleman..." And then, her mood took a turn, "Wha...Enrique, come back! What do you mean, 'humans are dumb'?! No, I just wanna win Splatfest! COME BACK!!!"

Something began to make the bed squeak, and she continued, faster and faster. Eventually, she rocked so hard she was catapulted out of bed, and landed with a yelp and a loud thump against the wooden floor. She finally awoke, groaning and grasping at her bruised hip.

"Damn it...I was so close..." she sighed, frustrated. The warm sensation was still there, the heavy blush still on her cheeks, but she was in no mood to...satisfy, herself now. If anything she was livid with herself. Was she really pining that hard for one of her old Inkling teammates? REALLY?!

"Stupid Inklings..." War Meggy growled as she got to her feet, "Stupid boys...stupid love...stupid...STUPID!" she kicked the pillow across the room, it colliding with a soft thump against the wall. She groaned, scratching her torso, then sitting back down on the bed. She buried her head in her hands and sighed sadly, "God I'm just...why..."

"E-Excuse me? Mistress?" Came a voice. WarMeg groaned again, placing a hand against her thumping head, before looking up at her converser. And she paused. Ahh, yes. It was the other Meggy. The one she...may have kidnapped and brainwashed to fulfil her own desires of living a decent life. Funny, that. She was...oh dear, she was still in the French Maid outfit from the night before, part of some cruel prank WarMeg decided to pull on her captive counterpart. Just to REALLY rub salt into the wound. Funny, it seemed hilarious at the time but now...now something was off. She repeated herself, "Mistress?"

"Y-Yeah..." WarMeg mumbled, her blush threatening to take over her face, "I'm fine."

She wasn't fine. This wasn't right. What looked frumpy and funny last night now looked...form-fitting. A tight, exaggerated cleaning outfit that...hugged her curves and...

"NO!" WarMeg slapped herself in the face, hissing at the stinging pain, "Not her...oh GOD not her..."

"Mistress?" the hypnotised Meggy asked again, to which WarMeg looked up in silence, "Are you feeling okay? Was the batch of ramen I made for you poorly made?" 'when wasn't it', WarMeg grumbled in response, "Was your sleep disturbed by a nightmare? Perhaps you simply drank too much green beer."

"I..." WarMeg started, thoughts tumbling gracelessly in her warped mind, before she sighed, "Forget it, slave. It's nothing. I, hmm...I order you to prepare some clothes and a towel. Might have a shower..."

"As you wish, Mistress," Maid Meggy smiled, her spiral eyes briefly drifting in opposite directions, "Would you like me to assist in scrubbing you?"

WarMeg's eyes shrunk in shock and she blurted out, "N-NO! N-No...why would you even..." she shook her head, "Forget it. I'mma go shower now..."

"Have a nice shower," Maid Meggy said blankly, "I hope it is a nice and warm one!"


It wasn't.

Cold Showers were the way to get rid of the...urges, right? That's what all those skinsacks kept telling her. WarMeg stood naked in the shower as freezing cold water slammed down upon her. Silent. Unmoving, eyes directed to the bottom of the tub and a quiver in her lips. Her mind continued to struggle with her day. It was a blur, she barely remembered any of it, flitting from fight to drink to running away from a Chain Chomp. And as she got further and further into the day, as more and more booze entered her system, she just felt...weird. Hot, under the collar, and...other, places.

Love is Dumb (Meggy x Alt!Meggy)Where stories live. Discover now